8 ~ the lost & the found

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How the hell had she lost him? They were running together and then...? Her memory was blank. Then she was suddenly on her own. Why couldn't she remember? It was like a whole segment of her memory was just missing...

Lucy snapped from her thoughts when she heard a russle on the dusty ground behind her. She turned around quickly, facing on of the exits from the room she was stood in.


She could hear them, ever so quietly but definitley approaching in her direction. Her hand moved steadily towards her whip, ready to fight if she needed to as she edged closer to the doorway - the walking getting louder.

"Aha!" She yelled as she flung her whip out just as the figure turned the corner, wrapping expertly around the torso just in time for Lucy's jaw to drop. She let go of the whip.

"Ouch Luce! What was that for?!"


Natsu's POV
[2 hours earlier]

"Man these pathways go on forever!" The Dragon slayer groaned to himself as he continued to drag his feet down the uneven floors. "And I'm starving! You got any food on ya Lucy?"


The salmon haired boy frowned at the silence that was in reply to his question. He turned on his heel, going to approach Lucy but was shocked to see no one there beside him.

"Huh?" He mumbled to himself into the dimly lit tunnels. "I swear she was here a second ago..."

He turned in a full circle with a confused look plastered on his face, his brows furrowing further at the sight of empty pathways. Natsu shrugged his shoulders and continued in the direction he was already headed. Maybe she decided to cover some more ground and go another route?

It wasn't much longer when Natsu's stomach finally decided to voice it's dire need for some kind of food. He was starving, but to be honest he was always starving.

"Aw man..." he groaned to himself as he dragged his feet along the floor, clutching his stomach as if it would ease the need.

The boy was too occupied by his hunger to notice the blur of a motion infront of him. Too occupied until the scent of hot, spicy food caught his nostrils and his head snapped up.

A... kitchen?

Natsu blinked at the sight. He as at the end of the long corridor and had somehow found himself stood directly infront of an oldfashioned, medieval looking kitchen. The aroma of a ready cooked meal always made his eyes roll to the back of his head.

The fact that only seconds before, nothing stood ahead of him but more junctions to more long pathways, was completley forgotten.

He found his feet had been leading the way. They'd gained a mind of their own as they made haste toward the inviting room of Natsu's dreams. His stomach continuing to gurgle and a smile fell onto his face.

"This stupid dark guild provided me with a nice meal, how awesome." He chuckled to himself with a menacing grin. "Little do they know how much food my stomach can take hehe."

The boy made his way into the room, different scents hitting his nose as he took in a deep breath with content. His eyes wanders over the countless articles of food spread across a counter. There was an oven to the side, looking to have another dish of food cooking inside. The amount of food was endless!

Natsu looked around the empty kitchen, wondering why anyone would leave it unattended - but he didn't let his thoughts stop him as he made his way further inside to an old-fashioned table in the centre. He grinned when his eyes landed on just the plate of food he was craving - fajitas!

It felt like slow motion as his hand reach down toward the piece of food, lay conviently on a plate. His hand edged further, the feeling of someone watching him buried to the back of his mind as he nearly grabbed it.

But his fingers went right through.

Like a projection, the food felt like air as his fingers snatched to grab what was really none existent - and it finally clicked in his head. Illusion magic! Before the boy could react, his ear twitched at the sound of a familiar voice.


The illusion shattered around him. Was that Lucy's voice calling him? She must be nearby! The boy froze still when he realised the warm, inviting, food filled kitchen had disappeared from around him - and he was stood exactly where he was before, in a cold, dark corridoor. His hand outstretched infront of him where the plate of food was.

The boy didn't take any time to ponder over what happened as he began to run in the direction of Lucy's voice. It wasnt far at all, considering it was barely a whisper. Whatever that magic was, the caster had to of been nearby... and he had to protect Lucy!

His decent down yet another long corridor eventually came to a close as he reached the end, Lucy's scent becoming  stronger in his nose. She was right here.

And that was when he turned the corner to find himself wrapped up in a very familiar whip.

"Ouch Luce! What was that for?!"


Well well well it has been a while hasn't it...

I've been meaning to update the book for a while but I've been focusing mainly on my other two main books instead!

But finally this is off hold and guild secrets is back!

Hope y'all enjoyed this chapter!

Guild SecretsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ