8 ~ the lost & the found

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It was unbeknown to Lucy as to why she was running. The last thing she could remember was Natsu beating the Butt Jiggle Gangs asses and then turning to head the opposite direction.

Her head was spinning as she frantically looked around her for her comrade, but instead, all that surrounded her were crumbly, stone walls and concrete floorings. Her legs carried on, long stride after long stride down a dull coridoor. It was never ending.

"There she is!" Some voices called from behind.

Lucy snapped her neck around, eyes wide. They found her already? Have they found Natsu?

She shook her head and carried on running, faster. There was no doubt Natsu could easily stand up for himself... wherever he was.

The guild members where closing in and Lucy was slowing down. Her legs where starting to ache and each step she took hurt a little more. In reality, she had no idea where she was going, so fighting seemed to be the only option.

Her fingers fumbled for her keys as she ran, her vision jumbled and blurry as she focused her eyes on the keys in attempts of singling out a reliable spirit. Soon enough, Lucy had pulled out a key and stopped her self in her tracks.

"Open, Gate of the Golden Bull: Taurus!"

A light erupted from the key as she held it midair, summoning the spirit to her side.

"MOOO~ Whats' up Miss Luuucy?"

"Taurus! Can you get rid of these guys?" The girl pointed toward the small approaching army, immediately setting the spirit into action.

Taurus lept forward, holding out his huge Axe and swiping it in the enemies direction. Effectively, Lucy's spirit wiped out guards, leaving behind a pile of groaning bodies - bound to be unconcious for a good few hours. Lucy smiled, reaching her hand to high five the spirit.

"Great job Taurus! Thanks!"

Lucy smiled, she could always count on her spirits.

"Anything else?" The spirit asked her, stood before the pile of men that remained unconscious, looking back at her.

"Hmm. No, thanks Taurus! I'm just a little lost is all, and I've managed to loose Natsu somehow..." She pondered, mostly to herself. She found herself looking around her; her only possible ways being the direction she came or the direction the guards did. "I'll find him eventually!"

"Be careful Miss Lucy! Something doesn't feel right about this place." Her spirit replied, before disappearing back to the spirit realm.

"Great." Lucy muttered to herself as she took her decision and began her journey in the direction of the guards. "That makes me feel much better." She sighed.

It felt like hours when Lucy finally found herself in a place that looked different. The repetitive walls and long corridors started to make her believe she had been walking in circles the whole time - luckily not finding any more trouble to bump into on the way. The place was strangely quiet, she had to admit.

The blonde frowned as she entered a large opening at the end of the corridor she had been heading down. It was a big open room, three more corridors leading out of it at opposite ends. The walls were the same brick as the rest of the place, only making the room more eery and old as she made her way further in. She spied cobwebs hanging from the ceiling and a light draft brushing her feet. It gave her goosebumps.

"Natsu?" She whispered into the cold air as she looked around the room. There was nothing in there, so it's not like he'd be in here anyway, but if he was nearby surely he'd hear her. But at the same time, she didn't want to get any unwanted attention.

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