Chapter 22 - Valiant

Start from the beginning

            The red armored samurai slashed his sword sideways but Ford was able to evade it and it got stuck in the wall. Thinking quickly Ford looked at the armor, he wouldn’t be able to break it. Then, looking at the sword in the wall he noticed it was made of the same metal.

            Ford motioned his hands and the sword came out of the wall and plunged itself into the monster. Growling, the beast’s skin started to hardren and turn ruby red. It’s armor cracked and burst into red sand falling to the ground.  It’s face; now a red mask fell atop the pile of sand. Rica looked at the mask and gulped.

            Turning around Ford held out a hand for Rica. She took it, wide eyed and looked around to see if anyone else saw what just happened. Gulping, Rica asked the only question she could string together. “What are you?” Rica bent down and picked the mask up throwing it into a nearby bush where it sank into the leaves.

            “That’s a long story,” Ford smirked at the shocked girl. He was getting more used to this. “I’m a Sage, the Sage of Wind to be more specific…and that’s the other reason my parents and I aren’t getting along right now.”

            Rica nodded and the bell rang. Ford looked up at the sky then back to Rica, “I trust you not to tell anyone…plus who’d believe you, right?” Ford spun on his heels  and walked away.



            Stopping while putting the key in the door, he heard more voices than his grandmother behind it. Pushing open the door ready to fight he saw only his mother, father, and grandma around the small circular kitchen table.

            “No,” escaped Ford’s lips. He turned to leave.

            “Ford, wait,” Nancy stood up.

            “Are you all kicking me out of here too?” Ford spat back. “Because I will kick myself out before that happens.”

            “No, we want to…invite you back home.” Nancy pleaded.

            “Oh how gracious,” Ford rolled his eyes and turned to the door again.

            “Ford, what your mother and father did was stupid.” His grandmother spoke up. She took a sip from her tea; “Also, I can’t believe it took them that long to figure out. I knew the third night after I saw you jumping out of the window with wings.”

            “You saw that?” Ford thought he was really sneaky with it. That she had fallen asleep.

            “I don’t have much else to do but keep an eye on you.” His grandmother winked at him in a knowing way then took a sip of her tea. Ford wanted to let go of his anger but he couldn’t. He knew running away wouldn’t help anything so he shut the door.

            “So, what? We are all good now,” Ford shrugged.

            “You’re father and I are sorry,” Nancy apologized, speaking for them both. His father still avoided eye contact with him. “We want to understand what is going on…when you have the time and if you want to tell us.”

            “It’s complicated,” Ford said rolling his eyes.
            “I think he is some sort of super hero….” His grandmother nodded finishing her tea and smiling.

            “I guess it’s not that complicated,” Ford chuckled and walked up to the small table. He looked at his father who did not look at him. He suddenly came to the realization; it was easy for him to fight back with his mom because she would argue with him. All these years she came off as the mean one but at least she would talk to him, his father would always avoid confrontation, connection at all costs

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