Chapter Ten

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The ride back was mostly uneventful. The only event that took place was a song I'd heard plenty of times on Viagra commercials.

. . . I put a spell on you. . .

Benjamin switched stations before it got further than that. His hand moved so alarmingly quick that I tried not to stare at him for it. He mostly acted like the whole situation at his house had never happened -- until we turned onto my home street. Benjamin made sure to twist his body to face mine once we parked on the street in front of my house. The house seemed dark, but I could have sworn I'd seen movement behind a curtain when we pulled up.

"Don't let what happened today scare you from coming back." He said, looking serious. "Because in my book, you are always welcome. I'm sure you are in my dad's book too; I think he likes you."

"Likes me?" I could hardly believe I heard those words.

"You stood up to him like that. You've got guts; my dad likes that stuff."

I wasn't that convinced and I was sure my face showed it.

"And how about we forget about all that family history stuff. My dad tends to get carried away about things like that. Pretty out there, huh?"

I figured it was safe not to reply, so instead. "Your mom terrifies me."

Benjamin nearly threw back his head to laugh going back to his old self. "Don't let her get to you. She's like that to everyone she first meets. Believe what you will, but she's a harmless ole marshmallow once you get to know her. Petr's grandma and my mom are practically best friends."

My eyes widened in shock at the bit of news. "Sounds like there's a lot more history to your families then what was said."

Benjamin seemed to go a little white as if he said something he wasn't supposed to.

I wasn't going to let that slide. "You can tell me when you are ready." I said, hoping the double entendre was made clear enough. He could tell me whatever it was he was dying to keep concealed or he could come clean about what really went on between him and Ellie. "I really do like you. I'd like to be friends, if that's ok with you."

I had to admit, I was putting a lot at risk at saying those words, but I had no idea where to put my loyalty. That didn't mean that I felt I could trust Benjamin wholeheartedly, but for some reason, I felt I owed him that much. He did go quite a bit out of his way to be nice to me, whatever that reason may be, but he did it. He didn't have to.

Benjamin's eyes went slightly dark, as if trying to read me. I tried not to squirm, but it was like getting a taste of my own medicine. Now I think I slightly understood why most people decided to stay away from me. I was probably going to have to change that, but then, growing up with a family like my dad's at a young age, it'll make you suspicious of other's motivations. My father's family used to have a lot of friends, academically, politically, even in the police force. Even though my mother never told me, I could see it in her eyes when she thought I wasn't looking. We were always being watched.

"Thanks man, I think I do too." He said after what felt like a long time.

I made way for the door handle, but I accidently locked myself in. Benjamin clicked it back open for me. Since I was having one of those ditzy moments, I hit the lock, locking myself back in again. Three tries later, I managed to finally get the door open.

Before shutting it, I bent myself down to say something else. "Though next time, you're invited here."

I shut the door, but not before seeing the smile form at his lips; not leaving until I walked through the front door.

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