Chapter 5

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Angie POV

The next day was very...

I really don't know how I would describe it.

I had done my normal stuff, like any of other day.

But this day would be different.

I had gone into church that day, because it was Wednesday.

And this is how the drama started.

I sat next to a nice girl named Sam.

Sam was very nice and she is so understanding.

On the other side of me was German's cousin.

Yes, he has a cousin.

She was also very nice.

Her name was Stacy.

Stacy was very close to Sam because they seemed to be really good friends.

I had sat behind German.

I had remember our chat we had the night before.

I caught myself looking at him way too much.

Bad, bad, bad.

I seemed okay that day, but also a bit tired.

Now, it was time for us all to shake hands.

I had to of course shake his because he was sitting near me.

I shook his hand...

Then, i started to blush.

Sam looked at me with a huge grin on her face.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

She still grinned at me.

Did she noticed what happened?

"We need to talk later" I told her.

She still grinned.

---TIME SKIP----

I had finally gotten out of church.

I was going to talk to Sam.

I also thought it was best for Stacy to know.

Stacy and Sam were friends so they would be told at the same time.

I had walked out.

"We need to talk" I told her.

"What do you want to talk to me about, Angie" Sam asked.

"I want to know why you smiled at me the way you did earlier in the church" I asked her.

"Bring Stacy over" I asked her.

"Okay" Sam said.

"Hey Angie" Stacy said.

"Hey i wanted to ask you something and tell you something as well" I said.

They looked confused at first, but then I managed to get it all out.

"Is this about Pablo?" Stacy asked.

"Yes, well there it goes..." I said.

Then i explained to them how Pablo just wasn't the best fit for me.

"I want to break up with Pablo" i said.

"What!!! That's a very interesting turn in the plot" Sam was in shock.

Stacy was in so much shock that she was like crazy at the moment.

"I know, i know, it's a lot isn't it" I told her.

"It is indeed a lot" Stacy replied.

"So what are you going to do?" they asked me,

"Well i'm going to break up with Pablo, and I realized I still have feelings for German" I said.

"You do?" they asked.

"Yes but he doesn't want to be with me, so forget it" I said sadly.

"So what's the point of this conversation then" Stacy asked.

"Well to ask you about the grin earlier." I said.

"The grin was because of the younger kids" Sam explained.

"Are you sure?" I asked.

Love and Discernment (Germangie, Pangie FanFiction)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz