Kids On Their Own

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                                                             Part Fifteen

  Jimmy Don and James Michael alternated driving the rest of the way home. They were fortunate to not get stopped by the police since both were way underage for possessing a driver's license. James Michael was relieved to finally reach West Monroe, exiting on S. 5th St. and driving directly to Vernon's house where his grandmother lived. The Vauxhall was a great car but the long hours and miles made everyone stiff as ever from being in a sitting position for so very long. Once inside Vernon's small one bedroom house, Eva and Vernon were arguing like mad amidst Tommy and Kathy both crying. Total chaos, James Michael walked Tommy and Kathy to their grandmother's house on the end of the block. Jimmy Don, Ricky, and Ronny also walked since it was only a hop, skip, and a jump from Vernon's house. It wasn't long until Virginia drove the Vauxhall to Eva's house and the first thing she did was wash her face, lie down, and pass out until the next morning. Alcohol had taken it's toll on Virginia and she needed rest and sleep to try to pull herself back together. James Michael will never forget the relieved expressions on his grandmother and Vernon's faces when they realized they didn't have to care for Tommy and Kathy any longer. Eva was happy to offer her home for her grandchildren to live there and she'd continue living with Vernon.

  A few days later Virginia packed and returned to Kansas City to live with Billy Ray. Before she left she secretly gave James Michael enough money so that he could purchase groceries for himself and his siblings whilst she'd be gone. She promised to come home every few weeks to check on everyone and if anything else was needed, to walk down the block to Vernon's home and ask their grandmother. Jimmy Don couldn't be trusted to hold the family money since he'd become addicted to drugs whilst in Missouri. He was supposed to help James Michael with Ricky, Ronny, Tommy, and Kathy. He helped some but more often than not, he began hanging around with older kids and staying gone all the time. James Michael knew he had his hands full taking care of four younger siblings and trying to recover from his heart condition. Besides Jimmy Don, Ricky and Ronny started running wild also and taking care of Tommy and Kathy kept James Michael busy. James Michael taught himself how to wash and dry clothes and iron when Virginia's arm had been broken by Billy Ray. He also taught himself how to cook, which he could only do by reading instructions on boxes like Hamburger Helper. He meted out the hidden money daily for everyone's needs and also paid the bills from living at his grandmother's home. When the money would run low, he'd call Virginia in Kansas City to tell her he needed more cash. Virginia would wire the cash to Eva, Vernon would drive her to pick it up and she'd give it to James Michael. Sometimes Virginia wouldn't make it back home for two or three months but at least she made sure there was enough cash available for her children to survive whilst they lived alone in their grandmother's home. The summer went by and school would begin soon, none too soon for James Michael since he really needed a break from caring for all his siblings. Jimmy Don, James Michael, and Ricky would attend school, Ronny would attend preschool kindergarten and Tommy and Kathy would have to stay with Eva until school was over every day. After school, Jimmy Don would never go straight home so James Michael felt he had to go and bring Tommy and Kathy home from Vernon's house. Eva would be at the end of her rope daily by the time James Michael could come and get them after school. Once he'd get them to his grandmother's home, cook them something to eat, make them take their baths, and do his homework, he felt utterly exhausted. Still James Michael would wash and dry clothes and iron them for himself, Ricky, and Ronny. At the end of each day, James Michael would fall hard asleep from all the chores he was having to do. He was only happy that he didn't have to live in Kansas City and see death every other day or so. All in all, James Michael was relieved just to be alive and have his siblings together, even though his mom would rarely come to Louisiana to check on them. Virginia always said that Billy Ray dominated her and wouldn't let her drive to Louisiana but once every several months and every time that she did make it back to Louisiana, James Michael noticed his mother had many bruises and on occasion a black eye.

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