7. Above all others.

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Finally, the car stopped in front of the airport, near the main entrance so we wouldn't get noticed that much. "Thank you for driving us here, you can return to the palace." I said and closed the door after Lucy got out. She looked at me with an emotion in her eyes which I couldn't place. It wasn't happiness, more like grief. The loss of a good friend, perhaps. A sigh escaped out of my mouth while I started to walk towards the airport entrance. "Lucy?" I asked but kept walking. "Yes Lady America?" She asked and walked beside me, stepping a little closer now. For a moment I struggled but then decided I had to ask. "I want you to come with me. To Italy. It would be nice to have someone around me who's.. normal.. and already knowd my story.. you know?" I didn't dare to look at her so I kept walking sternly towards the check in desk. "Hi, America Singer for the flight to Italy with the Italian royal family?" I asked and looked at the woman behind it. "alright, let me check," she said and started looking in her computer. "Oh I see. Wing D, "IRA" is your place to be. Have a nice flight!" And with those words I grabbed the boarding pass and walked with Lucy towards Wing D. "I would love to go with you. Are you sure no one can stop us? Because if they can I'll lose everything. Maxon would never let me do my job again in the palace if he knew I ran away with you." She said, and I nodded. "Ofcourse, I understand. The Royal family of Italy grands us safety. Illeà can't survive a war with Italy so I don't think he'll do something stupid to make war with them." I said, and saw Wing D in big letters pointing towards a hall. "we need to be there. If you want to come, come. If you don't then don't." I said, softly smiling and hoping she would come with me. I patiently waited for her answer. She frowned while thinking this all over but started walking towards D anyhow. "is that a yes?" I asked and couldn't help myself but smiling. "Ofcourse, you don't abandon friends." She said proudly. I nodded and walked behind her untill we arrived at IRA. "You made it." I heard from my left side. I turned around to look at where it came from and smiled. "Ofcourse Nicoletta. If I say I'll do something, I mean it. I hope it's okay if I bring my own maid..?" I looked at Lucy and then back at Nicoletta. She smiled softly, wrapped her arms around me and hugged me tightly. "ofcourse Bella," she said, winking and pointing towards the plane. "Luceano is already inside. We should hurry though: Maxon already knows you're missing."

The kind of girl people go to war for. {America Singer}Where stories live. Discover now