4. Carried away.

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{the picture above is Maxon. At least, how I see him. Isn't he lovely? Haaaaa he used to be at least!}

I was allowed to come and stay with the Italian family! It was more than I dared to hope. Before I even knew I was doing it I had wrapped my arms tightly around Luceano. "thank you. Thank you só much. You kinda saved me you know," I smiled and stepped back. "You know you were always welcome, our family told you this like a thousand times." He rolled his eyes, and looked away. I followed his gaze and saw he was looking at a small wooden bench at the other side of the garden, away from the party. With an asking look in his eyes he looked from the bench to me and back. I wish I could, but I had to find mom and May to tell them I was leaving tomorrow. They wouldn't like it, but I'm sure they'd understand.  "I'm sorry, but I think I have to find my family and tell them I'm going to Italy. Excuse me," I said softly and walked away to find my family. I found May and mom at the desert table, they were both enjoying the strawberrytarts I enjoyed so much. "Mom? May? I have to tell you something.." I said, while they turned around as they heard me speak. "What's going on sweetheart?" Mom asked worried and a deep frown appeared on her forehead. "Besides my broken heart and broken pride? Nothing much.. But I'm flying over to Italy tomorrow with the royal family. Nicoletta and I became good friends when they came over the first time." I looked at May, and while she appeared to be calm, I knew she felt horrible. "I am so so sorry to leave. But I have to. I can't stay here. I need time to think.. But I thought I had to let you guys know." Again, a gentle smile appeard on my mom's face before she hugged me tight. "I understand Ames. You're still young, and we noticed that Italian guy hanging around you already.." She spoke, and May picked up real quick. "Yes! He is soo handsome! But don't let him get in too fast. Maxon broke you and you heart. You have to heal first! Oh and don't forget to invite me when you're in Italy, I'd loove to come!" She said, while group-hugging me and mom. A warm feeling flowed through my body, making my heart stop aching just a little. "I love you guys and thanks for the advice. I'll write you alot, and I'll call. And I'll send gifts when I can." One single tear appeard in the corner of my eye while saying goodbye to the ones I held dear, and walked away to the palace doors. I still had to stay here one more night. Just one. I could do that couldn't I? Maxon hadn't kicked me out yet, so.. As I walked to the door, I felt strong arms surrounding me. "LET GO OF ME WHAT ARE YOU THINKING" I screamed towards the stranger but he didn't let go, so I started kicking and scratching the person holding me. "Goddamn Ames, hold stil! I still have a duty today." He growled and I felt myself sinking in a little. "Aspen, this is not the right time to kidnap me. Please let me go." I whispered. He took a deep breath and sighed deeply. "I'd love to kidnap you and safe you from this.. Thing. It's not fair what he did to you but I'm still employed by Maxon so whatever he wishes is my duty." And with that, he placed my feet back on the ground but my arms were pinned behind my back, and he pushed me forwards. "Then please tell me where you're taking me. I have a right to know!" The wind was starting to grow stronger, which caused goosebumps to fill my upperbody, and my hair to flicker like a flame. My hair was blown into my face, and because Aspen held my arms against my back I couldn't even push it out of my face. After walking in the gardens for a while we finally stopped halfway the woods. He let me go and started to walk away. "You're dropping me and then you're walking away? You are SUCH A GOOD FRIEND ASPEN." The last words I said screaming, because he was walking very fast and otherwise he might not have heard the last of what I was saying. "Hello my dear," a voice out of the dark woods said. The tone in his voice made me shiver. "I am not your dear Maxon. I don't want anything to do with you anymore. Why did you brought me here? I was about to leave your party. You and Kriss are the guest of honor, you are celebrating your engagement. Go. Back. We have NOTHING to discuss. I gave you my heart and you CRUSHED it into a million pieces! I am done!" I yelled as I started to walk away. I had no interest in talking to him. I was still hurting and I needed the sleep very badly. "do you really think it's that easy to get away with what you did America? You're lucky I'm not making this public! Oh how much Ileà would hate you." He said while walking towards me and grabbing my arm. "Let go!" I said fierce and tried to pull my arm away from his grip but failed miserably. "No America. I will never let you go." "what is that supposed to mean hm? You chose Kriss. I'm not a toy. In fact, I have other plans." I spoke, and turned my eyes back to the party. I could see the lights and hear the music play while the wind carried away the noises. "ah yes. I saw you dancing with that other royal. What was his name again? Lucien? Lu.. Luceano, am I right? Yes I am. He doesn't deserve anyone like you."

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