6. The escaping part.

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Was I about to escape? yes I was. I was slowly walking towards the castle and nodded at the guards with my head down. They let me pass - probably because they knew there was only one girl living in this castle with red hair like mine. As I got in I started to walk faster towards the stairs, and when my foot hit the first stair I started running, all the way up to the second floor. The hallway was empty and dark, only the candles were able to bring a little light into it. I found my door and pushed it open, and noticed my maids weren't there. Maybe it was for the better not to tell or even see them, I would ruin the element of suprise from my escape if I saw them, because I knew I couldn't keep my mouth shut to them. I loved them, not just as my maids but also as my friends. I kneeled in front of my bed and ducked under it, grabbing my large suitcase and pulling it up. If Maxon would come look for me this would be the first place he would, so I had to be quick. I already packed everything I needed since I knew I was going to be the one who had to leave the palace for good, so I grabbed the suitcase, walked towards the door and grabbed my coat. After putting on the coat I stepped away from my room, into the hallway, and closed the door for good. I would never set foot in this palace every again. At least not as long as I had something to say or do about it. As I approached the stairs I heard someone calling my name softly. I looked up and saw it was Lucy. A soft smile appeared on my face. "Hey Lucy." She walked over to where I was standing and hugged me tightly. "You're leaving already? I thought you'd be staying until tomorrow, because of the festivities and such..?" but I shook my head. "I'm going to Italy. I don't trust the situation.. and I had to leave, before things get really bad you know.." I said, nervous, hoping no one would overhear our conversation or worse - that Maxon would be listening to us and stop me. I looked at my suitcase and swallowed. "Lucy, can you maybe help me with this? It's very heavy and -" But before I could finish my sentence she already took the suitcase and was walking down the stairs. "You have to leave very fastly. I know some guards who won't ask too much of us, so follow me. Stay close. Look normal - not afraid or sad. Do you think you can do that?" I nodded softly, and with my suitcase in her hand she started to walk towards the main entrance of the castle. "Greyson?" She asked with het angelic voice and the guard smiled back at her. "Lucy, what a nice suprise to see you! Don't you have work at this hour? I thought you had a lady to take care of?" he asked, and she pointed at me. "I do! America Singer needs to pick something up from the airport, her mom left it t here and her mom became very ill tonight. It's something personal and very important you know? So I'm her company for tonight - always on duty." she grinned, and the guard laughed out loud. "Alright then, have a safe trip you two," and opened the door. I smiled at the guard while walking past him and enjoyed the feeling I had while walking through the main doors. Was I really going to escape? Was I really free? The only thing left to do was to get in one of the many cars in front of the palace and get to the airport. Luceano would be waiting with Nicoletta and her man - or at least I hoped. We walked towards the first palace car we saw, and looked at the driver who sat inside reading the news paper of Illeá with full intrest. Lucy knocked on the window a couple of times before the driver opened the window and tucked away his paper to look at us. "Good evening, Lady America needs to get to the airport as fast as she can - her Mother became very ill at the party and her medicine were left behind at the airport by mistake. Since it is a very personal matter, Lady America needs to pick up the medicine herself. Could you maybe drive us there?" I never knew Lucy would lie this much for me, did she even realize how much she was putting at risk? like, her own life? Maxon wasn't cruel, but maybe he turned out to be just like his father and god knows what he would do if he knew I escaped with the help of my favorite maid. The driver nodded, unlocked the car from the inside out and started the engine. We both got in the backseat of the car while the driver drove the car through the golden gates of the palace, onto the highway. We made it, and I was free to go wherever I wanted to go. I looked at my hands whom were shaking a little until Lucy grabbed them and looked at me with a smirk on her face. "You're welcome lady America. Is there anything else I can do for you?" she whispered, looking at the driver using the mirror. Could I ask her to join my journey to Italy? Would they allow me to? I bet Luceano would, and Nicoletta probably.. 

*AN* Sorry I took so long to update the story. I've been so busy lately! 

The kind of girl people go to war for. {America Singer}Where stories live. Discover now