The road to the white house!

We all sing along to the music as we make our way to the city Centre

'Maybe it's the way she walked, ouw, straight into my heart and stole it....


'It looks so cool!'

'I know right. I thought it was much smaller!'

The thought that there is a considerable chance this building will be my home in a few months is just bizarre.

This building takes such a place in American history and in our public memory and it may very well be my home. It's really a thing that's quite hard to fully realize.

After taking some selfies with Anna and Kailey, I will probably post them on my Instagram with an awful filter, like I usually do, I see the crowd gets a little bigger.

No longer is the white house the only object of attention, no longer is it the only thing people take pictures of. They also take pictures of, well, me.

When I look next to me, I see Kailey has already evaluated the situation. It's quite weird, until now she was just a person who was with me, as soon people as know who I am, she changes into a woman at work.

She whispers in my ear:

'Just act normal and everything will be fine. There is no problem at all.'

'Right.' I answer.

There is really not a lot to see here anyway, only the famous shot from the garden, so after some minutes we leave and head for the park that links the white house to the Capitol.

When we leave, a woman says:

'Mr Adams, we all pray for your mother's swift recovery.'

'Thank you!' I say with a soft smile over my shoulder.

After a second someone else says:

'If I may ask, has anyone been arrested yet, Sir?'

'I don't know, I'm sorry.' I say.

Sad thoughts. I see the sad looks I am given by people.

Anna snaps me out of these sad thoughts: 'You can worry about all of this later, David. Let's go and have an absolutely fabulous day here.'

I rise my head and give her a little smile. 'Right'


'No just take the orange juice and lets go then!' Anna says.

After seeing the white house we decided to have a picknick in the park, so we got to this ecological supermarket to buy food and then chill in the park.

When we pay there, I see a hint of recognition in the eyes of the cashier. I smile at her and go back to my friends, I think I can call them that by now.

When we get back into the sun again, I feel it warm up the skin on my arms, the hear on my head and the feeling in my brain.

It's such a beautiful day.

When we take our places on a small blanket in the park, we're given warmth by the sun, shadow by the trees and joy by our hearts.

We talk, listen to music, laugh our asses off.

Basically we have an absolutely great time, I feel like I haven't felt this happy in a lot of time.

I don't think I'll have any problems to get used to living here, it's such a nice city with beautiful places.

Well, I'll probably not see so much of it, when I'm the president's son. I will be locked in a gilded cage, but now is not the moment to be pessimistic, let's enjoy, and live while we're young!


I put some 1d things in it, cuz I like them, if you don't I hope it doesn't bother you, lol :)
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