Chapter Eight

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Noah's POV

I watched as Rossana and Sarah still slept. I never thought that i could care about someone so much to the point of giving my life to keep them safe. They're my world. I love them.

My brothers as well. We're really close to each other. They are my family that i cherish. Today is our last day of senior year. We're getting ready for the graduation. When it came to sleeping, i learned the hard way to never wake up Sarah. Last time she kicked me in the balls and punched the guys. We were pissed and Rossana was laughing so hard there were tears in her eyes.

So yeah. Guys. Don't wake up a girl when they're asleep if you want to keep your balls. But of course Jack and Mason are always trying to piss them off. They would make pranks. One night i heard the girls scream. Well Sarah but when i went rushing to the room along with the other guys i saw Sarah trembling. Rossanna was just sitting there. No emotion. I saw something move on their beds. Then Jack and Mason started laughing. I looked at Sam and he rolled his eyes and shook his head. I sighed and saw what it was that had Sarah scared. It was a huge f#$*ing snake! How the hell did they even get one!

I turned to them and glared. They stopped laughing and gulped. I pointed at the snake. "Get. It. Now." They got the snake and went outside. I shook my head and went towards the girls. Sam sat beside Sarah and put her on his lap. I went over to Rose and put her on my lap. I looked at her, "You okay?" Her big green eyes showed excitement. I knew that this will be the death of them she was planning in that crazy little head of hers.

She smirked, "Oh. I'm perfectly fine." She smiled a threatening smile. I laughed and kissed her cheeks. "Should i bring the coffins?" She shook her head and chuckled. The boys came back inside and begged for forgiveness. Sarah was over it quickly but that doesn't mean she doesn't keep grudges. She got off of Sam and walked to the guys and pointed a finger at them, "Make us breakfast! You will become our slaves until you are worthy to have our respect again!"

They sighed and hanged their heads down. Rossana started laughing. We all looked at her and smiled. Seeing her happy makes us happy. The guys got up, "Breakfast is on its way!! We will not let you down!" They kissed her cheeks really fast and ran downstairs. Sam laughed and got up. He kissed Rossana's cheeks and then Sarah's, "I'm going to make sure that they don't burn this house down."

Sarah sighed after Sam left, "I'm going to take a shower first." Rose nodded and laid down on the bed. I chuckled and shook my head, "Come on Rose. You can't go back to sleep we're graduating today." She groaned, "But i want to sleep." She pouted and i smiled, "I'll get you your favorite ice cream." Her eyes widened and jumped off the bed and ran in the bathroom once Sarah finished taking a shower.

I laughed and went downstairs so the girls could get changed. I saw Fabia and John with amused faces. I walked up to them and hugged Fabia and shook Johns hand along with a hug. They looked at us and the boys stopped what they were doing John started to speak, "We're so proud of all of you. You have come a long way. We had our ups and downs but we always got through it with the help of one another. I'm so happy that you boys and and your sisters came into our lives. You had made us very happy. Always stay strong. It's a big world out there. You will have more hardships but never forget. Family always comes first." We nodded and smiled.

The girls came downstairs. I didn't really like what they were wearing. If it was up to me i would put them in cloaks just to hide them from the eyes of guys that dare to even glance at them. Although we made it clear when one boy started getting touchy with them. I saw Sarah was about to beat them up but we beat her to it. We grabbed the two guys and punched them until they knocked out.

We were about to be expelled but Fabia and John spoke with the principle. The principle looked scared while our mom and dad came out with smiles on their faces. In the end we still got to graduate.

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