she came back a few minutes later with a purse in her hand. "im off to the mall," she chimed. she kissed his cheek and waved at me before jogging out. he looked back, listening for something. the front door opened and shut. he sighed. "i thought she would never leave," he flipped off the tv and leaned over, pressing his lips against mine. i pulled away. "what happened to Netflix?" i asked. he chuckled, pushing me down and straddling me. "i didnt want my sister here while we have some alone time. i needed a cover story," he said as he tugged off his tee. "i thought you were straight," i said. he started undoing his pants. "i enjoyed last night way to much to be straight, chris. i dont know if im 100% gay but i do know that i want you to be my boyfriend," he tugged at his pants, slowly pulling them down. "one night with me and you already wanna date? sounds pretty suspicious," i said. he grinned, leaning down and kissing me. "just shut up and fuck me, babe."

later on that night....

aquarius pov

i put the last of the new dresses in my car. oh god do i love shopping. especially with scorpio's black card. i just bought 10 even fancier dresses that pale in comparison with the one i have on. "ooohhh my god does that dress look beautiful on you!!" i turned to see the attendant standing at my side looking me up and down. "ya damn right i do," i grinned. that brings me back to what scorpio's friend had said. its like he knew just what to say to put a smile on my face...unlike my fiancé. but! im fine. he apologized and gave me some money so im fine. am i easy to please? i think so. i do enjoy shopping but i much more prefer sitting at home with my fiancé and watching tv or something basic. im pretty easy to please. i put the last new dress in my car and wheeled it to the register. as the lady rung up the items, i got a call. i helped her get it through and paid for it before i took the call.


yes dear

its over

im sorry....what was that? the fuck you mean its over scorpio?

exactly that. use the card to get another place to live and whatever you need. dont come back to my house...ever

what the hell is this?! what the hell makes you think its ok to just break things off with your FUTURE WIFE!! i love you and i know you love me. im on my way home now so we can talk about this

what do i have to say to you to get it through your thick ass skull? i dont want you no more. do not come to my house. me and my boyfriend are having some alone time and i dont want you ruining it. ill have the security stop you at the gate if i have too

BOYFRIEND!!!! when did you decide to go gay? who is he? ill find the son of a bitch who turned you gay!

you actually already met him earlier but that's not the point. if you show up at my house period, ill have you escorted out. the card will have 500k on it each month for the next year, then it will stop. that should be plenty of money for you to start a new life with. ill have your clothes removed as soon as possible and shipped to your new place. i dont wanna see you again


goodbye, aquarius. we had a good run. its time for you to take a hike


***end call***

shit. i dont know what is going on here. they were flowing as i kept trying to call him back but he just wouldn't pick up. what the hell? after being together  years?! he is just gonna leave me like this? shit. i might just break down. i felt a hand rubbing my back. "are you alright, ma'am?" asked the lady from the register. "no, im just gonna go to a hotel room and tackle this in the morning," i grumbled. i took my things out to my car and headed to the nearest hotel. i dont know what im gonna do about this. its all just so.....sudden. just like when he proposed. just out of no where he got to a knee and popped the question. shit. i know him. this is just a thing. it wont last long. ill get through this.

Relieving Some Stress (Seme Male Reader x Laxus) {Fairy Tail}Where stories live. Discover now