Chapter Four

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"Did you know?" I ask angrily.

There is a pause and I hold the phone closer to my ear, "Did you know?"

"Yes Louis," My mom answers.

"And you didn't think to tell me?" I hiss.

"He didn't want you before Louis!" She yells back.

"People change," I argue.

"If he would have called and asked to see you, I would have Lou. But he didn't," She says quietly.

"How long did you know?" I ask.

"Months," She answers slowly.

"Months?" I yell, "And you didn't think I may want to know that my dad was dying?"

"Now," She began, "he was never a father to you, Louis. He wasn't there for you! David helped me raise you, and you damn well know it."

Anger fills me, quickly.
David is my step dad, he is nice. He treats her well. That is all that really matters.

I don't say anything, she speaks again.

"It's been three days, Lou. When are you coming home?"

I sigh, "I don't know."

She says something else, but I end the call.

"Are you okay?"

I turn around, seeing Dads nurse.

I sigh and sit on the porch swing. She sits beside me.

"How do you make up for 23 years?"

She gives me a small smile, "Your dad is a strong man. He is a fighter. He will fight till the very end."

I nod and she puts her hand on my knee.

"He is a fighter," She repeats.


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