Chapter Three

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Hey loves
I hope you are liking this book so far. I appreciate all of your reads. J really do.

- Tori


"D-Dad?" I say in shock.

"Lou," He says weakly, "I have waited so long to see how you have grown."

I stare at the man who I have waited so long to finally meet, "Dad."

I look over him, he is weak.
He is shriveled up, he looks cold.

"Are you okay?" I ask.

He gives me a small smile, "Cancer," he tells me slowly.

He is so quite, I almost can't hear him.

He speaks again, "Stage four."

I hold my breath, stage four means the cancer has spread from where it started to another body organ. It is also called secondary. I sigh, I remember this from Mr Jones's class. I dropped out of the class soon after.

"I-I," I manage to say.

"Lou," He says, "you don't have to say anything. I just knew I had to meet you. My son, my grown son. Louis, you're a man. My little baby boy, he is grown."

His voice is shaking and I don't know what to say. I am mad, I don't know why. But I am furious.

I wanna scream, I wanna cry.

I finally got to meet him, and our time is limited.

"I have always loved you, Louis. You have to unders-"

I cut him off, and wrap my arms around him, "Dad," I repeat.


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