Chapter One

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I smile looking down at my phone, I run my thumb over my wallpaper.

It is a picture of me and my best friend, Harry. We met years ago. He means the world to me. He has absolutely always been there for me. He knows me inside and out.

"I will miss you," I whisper quietly to myself.

"Is that your boyfriend?" I hear beside me.

I feel my cheeks go red, and I look over. I give her a smile, "No," I pause, "I mean I wish. But no."

She gives me a small smile, "You two would be adorable together."

I bite my lip and look out of the small window on the airplane. I thought we would too.

Only, I never really had the guts to tell him how I really feel. And nothing is worse than watching the one person you adore...Adore someone else.

You see, Harry is in love with Niall. They have been together for about two years. Only, they broke up three weeks ago.

Harry was gutted, and I did everything I thought of to try and help him. But at the end of the day, I wasn't the blonde haired boy Harry craved for.

Niall is a good guy though, almost too good if you ask me.

He is simply flawless, he is everything that I could never amount up to be.

Everything that Harry had wanted.

I lean back over to the woman next to me as I try and drown out my thoughts, "I'm Louis."

"Crystal," She tells me.

I smile, "Where are you heading?"

She grins, "Home," She looks around, "Home."

I look to my feet, unsure what to say.

"It's been nearly 10 years," She tells me. Crystal goes on to tell me how she moved out here years ago. How she wanted a new start, and this country gave it to her.

But now, all she wanted was to go back home.

"As soon as I come back," I tell her, "The first thing I am going to do is take Harry to the little bakery around his street. And tell him all about America. All about my dad."

She raises her eyebrow, and so I continue.

"My mom has always raised me. It has just been her and I. But I have always wondered about my dad. What he likes, what he does.
He reached out to me, after all of this time. Asked me to see him, sent me money even."

"I am really happy for you," She tells me.

I look down at my feet, "I can't wait to tell Dad about Harry."

"I hope it goes well for you, Louis," She says as she reaches down and grabs her pink neck pillow. She puts it around her neck and turns to the left, curling her legs up slowly.

I bite my lip and look to my feet.

I smile slowly, thinking of mine and Harrys small airport moment today. I honestly hope I did the right thing.

I lean against the window, giddy.

I kissed him.

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