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Okay if you are one leave now you are no longer allowed to read my book okay with them gone I want to say something to these homophobic snobs I can't stand it when a person won't let another person love who they want to love you know and you know my church says gay is sin and if your gay your going to burn in hell for all eternity like two of my best friends are gay and they are like the coolest people on earth and perfectly normal another one is a bisexual and the last is a lesbian do I judge no but for the people that do there is a special place In hell for you and all your friends and when you call someone derogatory terms you know bullies have caused more suicide rates in the us than anywhere else so F the H off of theirs cases and let people love who they want to love don't judge because you neve know that when you are picking on them that that could have been the final straw or they go home and cut because of the bullies everyday and you know what I don't understand is straight people don't have to come out as straight so why do we have to come out as gay or bisexual or lesbian so SCREW YOU if you want to judge us just SCREW YOU
Hey guys this is kind of important to me being a supporter of lgbt
- Stay Strong ilyg
   - Harley Quinn

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