"You know, you remind me of an old friend of mine", he said smirking.

"Really? Well she can't be as good looking as me!" I said smiling widely.

"Oh never!" He said putting a hand to his chest.


*Doctor's POV*

You know who Kelsie Reminds me of? Seeker. She has the same kind of laugh thats contagious, same attitude, and personality. She even has Ariana. Isn't that a little weird. Maybe the universe brought me Kelsie for a reason like it brought the Seeker long ago. Nahh That wouldn't happen. But I need to stop comparing her to Seeker. 

We were walking trhough the halls, back to the control room, when I suddenly thought of a question, "So you know everything about me? Even up to this point and what happens next?"

"No. I know who you are, what your past and future is, well atleast some of it. I am still getting more and more about your future. But this moment in time I have not seen for some reason. I never saw you meeting me, or anything actually between the point of after losing donna and a couple of adventures, to after you are done running. I know what happens when you finally go to the planet of ood, but not before that. and I can see all the way up to losing donna, but it skips, all the way to the ood planet. I don't understand why that has happened", Kelsie said.

Then i thought for a moment and looked at her and said, "Maybe the only reason you haven't seen this moment, is because this is a moment in your timeline as well as mine, and you live it out yourself, or something like that".

"Maybe", she said quietly.

"So you know my future then? Well I shouldn't ask what happens then, because you wouldn't tell me right?" I asked

"I mean yah I wouldn't, but if you wanted to know something small, I guess i could tell you something", she said.

"Ok. But it needs to be something small, that I might forget about", I said smirking.

"Alright. Hmmmm..." She thought for a second. I couldn't help but stare at her a little. She had a cute little thinking face, with her eyebrows creased, and her jaw tightens a little-

'Oh! I know!" She said, jumping around, stopping me, and looking excited.

"Okay, you know Professor River Song right?" She asked.

"Yes, the archiologist", i said scrunching my nose frowning, and then Kelsie looked at me seriously, but I guessed she seemed to notice the small emotion of sadness in my eyes.

"Well, She is a very important person in your future, and I mean VERY important Doctor. Soon she will call for your help, and you will help her, and you will know exactly who she is when she calls", she pauses for a second, thinking.

"She will become one of the most signifigant... people in your entire life, and you were and will be the most important man to her, as you have noticed, from the last time you saw her" she said, looking at me with sympathy in her eyes. I noticed how she paused before saying people. Was she not a companion? Maybe she was more than that. I don't know, but i don't think I will find out until later.


We kept walking in silence for a while until we got back to the Tardis's control room. Then I remembered something and asked,

"Can I have my key back Kels?"

she stops by the door, giving me a serious look, and says, "Whats the majic word?" She smirked.

"Pleeeaaaasssseeee?" I asked.

"Not until you give me a hug good night", she said smirking a little more, and blushing a little".

I looked at her for a second, and she looked at me with a look that softened, and almost a little nervous, like I wouldn't do it. Then , I rapped my arms around her and pulled her tightly to my chest. We stayed like that for a while. Her head buried in my chest, and my head on her head. It felt nice, and warm, and even safe. Another emoton flickered in me that I have not seen in a very long time. After I realized how long wehave been hugging for, I broke away, and put my hand out. She put her hand in her sweatshirt pocket, and took out the key, and put it int my hand and closed it, squeezing it a little and rubbing her thumbe around in circles a bit on the top of my hand. This reminds me of Seeker. She was the only other person who did that. STOP IT DOCTOR! Don't compare! But it was nice.

"I should probably get back doctor, before the sun rises", she said.

"I'm coming with, because your dad thinks i am staying at your house rmember?"

"Oh yeah. Well then... Allonsy", she said smiling widely at me with a little sparkle in her eye. And we walked off back to her cabin.


Dear Readers,

Chapter ten will be coming soon. Please vote, and share this book to any social networking sight. PLEEEEEEAAAASSSSEEE!!! also follow me on Instagram. my name is shut_your_cakehole_sweetie

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