chapter five

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After that weird situation where I actually got caught, I walked out of the cabin, and went to the middle of the campground, where there was only forest, and no people. I set up camp, by making a fire with wood, a lighter, and gasoline, I set up the tent, and got my computer and phone out to make sure i had wireless connection. I also put mirrors up all around my area, just incase of an encounter with a weeping angel. If a weeping angel looks into a mirror, it will stay there, because it would be looking at itself, hence it can't move.

I sat down by the fire and started writing to my mom in my virtual notebook. I know, my moms dead, but I write to her, and leave the messages in my computer, because i know that she will always be here to listen and give me advice in some sort of sign. 

I was writing to her, when I heard something. It was close, and it was russling in the bushes. i turned around and put my computer down. I walked by the bushes, and looked to see if anything was there. Then, BAM! a squirrel pounces out and scares the hell out of me. 

"What the hell?", I said, because there was something shiney on the ground. I walked by the bushes, and found a key. It looked like any other key, nothing really special, but I kept it anyways. I put it in my pocket, and got up. I wiped my jeans off because I was in mud. I turned around and I made an erupt stop.

Right in front if me was a for real weeping angel, fangs and everything. I tried not to look it in the eyes, and I just stood there, studying it. It seemed to be by itself, with no one else. Then I moved out of the way because right behind me was a mirror. It was risky I know, I wasn't 100% sure of the mirror plan, but it worked. Thank god.

I walked to my tent and grabbed some chips, and once i got up again, I turned around and about 7 feet away were 5 angels. I never thought the whole thing through I guess, because I thought I would only encounter one. I stood there staring at them with amazement. Want to know why? It's because I've never seen a real one this close. especially This many. Then my fire started to go out. Everytime the fire would "flicker" I would say, I kept seeing more, and more, including the family that was up front.

Then all of a sudden I started to freak out. I was breathing fast, and I didn't know what to do so I started to back up. I didn't turn around. Then i heard something, familiar. I hoped I wasn't halluscinating, but the thing is, I wasn't. The next thing I know, I backed up into somewhere new. and I bet you would know what it is, well it is. it is the Tardis. I closed the door, and turned around. And right in front of me was the Tardis, except it was the desktop that 9 and 10 used. Then as I looked shocked, 10 pops his head around the counsel,

"Oh hello, I'm the Doctor", he said. Then I fainted.


my eyes were opening slowly and I woke up. But not in my room or tent. I was in a room, with bunk beds. I sat up and walked out of the door. I walked down a hall and I stopped to see the tardis before my eyes, and the doctor sitting in his chair, eating a banana, when he turned around and said,

"hello again. I'm the doctor, are you feeling better?"

"yah I guess", I finally croaked out.

"what's your name?"

"Kelsie. um Kelsie Lomis".

"Well, nice to meet you, and by the way, good idea putting up the mirrors. That was smart".

"Thanks", I said. I was sort of speechless, because he is real.

I walked over by him and stared at him, kind of by accident.

"go ahead, say it", he said.

"say what? Oh wait you mean that it is bigger on the inside right? Well ya it is. Isn't that kind of stating the obvious?".

"Wow, you don't seem like everyone else Kelsie".

"and why is that?".

"you are not as surprised to see this", he said.

"Well of course I am, but in a different way than all your other companions".

"How's that? Wait how do you know I have had companions?".

"Well.... I know all about you doctor. It's a long story about how I do, but I know everything", I said.

"what do you mean by everything?", he asks

"I mean, past, present, future, well atleast most of it not all, but about everything".

"If you do know everything about me, then tell me something about myself".

"First, where are you now, or who is your companion? Are you with Martha or Donna, or Rose?"

"No one. I have been with Martha and ....Donna", he said looking down.

"Okay. Well there was Rose, one of your favorite companions who you left in a parallel universe, by herself and you didn't even say I love you to her by the way. I hated that. Sorry back to the point. But then she came back, but there was this whole doctor Donna situation, and she went back there with doctor Donna, because he can live like a human, and has only one heart. And now you are running away from the sound. That four knocks then your dead thing."

"Uh, how? How could you do that?"

"It sounds dumb, but I have watched you on my television. Your stories. Exactly what you do doctor. And the thing is I know what happens next, except for this. I did not see you meeting me at all in what I call it my visions though", I said.

"Okay. Well you are human right?"

"Yah I believe so. The thing is, is it was really hard to find you but I found you, like I was meant to or something".

"Oh, well I found you because of psychic paper. It told me someone needed help on this exact date July 4th 2013, and exact location. How did you do that?"

"I thought really hard and asked for you, but I never thought it would actually work this time".

"Oh, well it did, so the thing is, you know who I am because you watch me on the tele like a TV show?" He asked.


"Well then what we should do, is figure out how you have this power, by going back to your time. And to stop the weeping angels. Tell me one thing though, has there been anything weird going on lately, besides the whole, "me", thing?"

'we?' I thought in excitement.

"Well, there was the whole weeping angel thing. Like when I first moved there to Shadow Rock, I saw one group, a statue, that looked at me weirdly. Like I was different from everyone else and important obviously, because they were trying to get me, and I mean like a lot of them were, while I was looking for you".

"I see. Well then, we will have to figure it out then. Allonsy!", said the Doctor

And off we went.


Dear readers,

Hey guys, chapter six is coming soon, unless I already write it haha. Hope you like my story so far. Please vote, leave any comments or questions you would like, and enjoy.

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