Chapter 5: Anonymous

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It's been a week since I confessed to liking Laurens. Mulligan and Lafayette have been trying to get us alone and, unfortunately, Jefferson has been helping them. George has been trying to fail me (even more than I already was) and ask Laurens for tutoring help. Laurens himself has been generally getting closer to me. Now, I'm not complaining, but I am confused. I know Laf and Herc wouldn't tell him, and I'm pretty sure he and Jefferson don't speak outside of Mr. Seabury's class, so how would he know? I also noticed Eliza was in some of my classes.

So alongside all of that, when I opened my locker before lunch today, a note fell out and fluttered into the dirty floor. I didn't remember writing it, so I figured it wasn't mine and I'd read it at lunch. I stuffed it in my pocket and made my way to the cafeteria.

"Ooh, Hamilton, whatcha got there?" Laurens asked in a teasing tone, referring to the note when I pulled it out of my pocket.

"I'm not too sure. I found it in my locker." When I said that, he tenses up. His face hardened and he stopped smiling. "Something wrong?"

"No, it's just. . .reminded me I forgot to check my agenda for homework last night."

"Alright. . ." I shook my head and opened the note. Okay I did not write this. I mean, I didn't think I did, but this was legible to people other than myself. . .and doctors. Plus it was in a much more feminine and dainty handwriting versus my chicken-scratch writing.

"Your eyes remind me of chocolate and I love the way they light up when you write so frantically or when you're generally happy. Your smile is contagious and it's so curvy and wonderful. I love how passionate you get when you debate, especially against Jefferson. You're so smart and you're blunt. You're so amazing. Just thought I'd let you know. <3


"Ooh, Alexander Hamilton looking at notes? I'm shocked." James Madison's voice filled my ears. Since Herc's party, Eliza, Angelica, James, and Thomas have started sitting with us. We're fairly close. It's pretty cool.

"Nah. It's not a note sheet. It's a letter I found in my locker."

"Even better! What's it say? Who's it from?" were only a couple of questions Angelica bombarded me with. She kept poking me and trying to see it, but I was focused on Eliza, who was whispering with Laurens and looked as tensed and stiff as he did.

"I don't know. Says 'Anonymous,'" I dismissed, still observing John and Eliza. They both had terror in their eyes.

"I smell bullshit."

"Give IT a rest, Ange. Once he makes up his mind, he makes up his mind. There's no changing it. The only person who change Alexander's mind is Alexander." After that, they went off into their own conversations. I wanted to talk to Laurens, but he was still talking to Eliza, and neither of them seemed like they'd be done speaking soon. I decided to text Laurens about it later. Laf was out with some sickness, Peggy doesn't have lunch with us, Herc had some "upperclassman test", as he described it, and Thomas wasn't here so I pretty much just sat there, picking lightly at my lunch and rereading the letter over and over again.


The bell seemed to be louder than usual today. I almost didn't hear Mr. Washington telling me to stay after class. I sighed, having a feeling I knew what this was about. I packed up my bag, but plopped myself back in my seat.

"Alexander, you're actually failing my class really badly now. What happened?"

I shrugged. "I've been leaving my book here and not being able to do the homework, so I'm rushing to do it, and I'm not understanding the material. Along with that, you're trying to fail me. I was going to check my grades today and then ask for some help."

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