I got tagged

72 3 2

So here's 13 things about meh
1) my friends refer to me as pasty potato
2) I can't spell worth a shit
3) I am Frank Iero trash, if you didn't already know
4) I don't just listen to fob,mcr,tøp,and p!atd I like a lot of early 2000's and classic rock
5) I saw AC/DC when they hit Atlanta
6) I am going through a weird old p!atd phase
7) I have social anxiety but am doing better after being put on medication
8) my otp is Ferard
9) I ship ryden as well
10) I have a boyfriend named Ian
11) I once made out with a Brazilian
12) I love to draw and paint
13) I have an industrial bar, my lip pierced, and a helix piercing

I tag-

Also new chapter as soon as we get 4 more entries

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