Day 1

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“Ready for this?” Duncan asked holding my hand which was resting on the clutch of my car.

I sighed “I guess. Is it bad I’m having second thoughts?” I asked.

He smiled “No, I mean, Chris is probably going to be a brutal man after spending a year in jail”

“I think going to Australia might have actually been a fantastic idea” I said about to book it out of the parking lot.

He laughed “Probably, but hey, who passes up a chance at a million dollars?”

“Yeah, you’re right. And it’ll be nice to be back where we met”

“Exactly” He smiled. “And no matter who’s on that plane, or what Chris has in store for us, we’ll have a great time together. Nothing will break us this year Alex”

I smiled. I knew he was right, nothing would break us this time. Every time we did the show there were always obstacles. Whether it was Courtney, Gwen, or Alejandro, we’d fight…a lot.

But I honestly think we came over that mountain of fighting when the last season was filmed. We’re more trusting of each other, and much more in love. Any lingering feelings he had for Gwen or Courtney are gone, and anything I felt for Alejandro is gone.

Getting engaged was a big deal, and I stressed to Duncan a few weeks after we got engaged that this was a big deal. We couldn’t fight over the same shit we used to and most certainly not as often.

Breaking off an engagement has to be the most embarrassing thing, cause if you break an engagement, that usually mean there will never be another one with that person, so I made him understand we had to grow up in that sense.

And he actually was on the same page with me. Completely agreeing and everything. So I’m confident for us this season, there isn’t anything this show can throw at us that we can’t handle. Anything.

“Let’s go babe,” Duncan said getting out of the car “Time to win me one million dollars!”

I smiled and got out myself. My dad would be picking up the car later, I’m still trucking around in my blue Ferrari and you best believe I’m not letting anything bad happen to it.

We walked up to the big green, military looking plane that would bring us to the island this year. Duncan and I had no idea who we would see when we walked onto this plane, except that it wouldn’t have Geoff, Bridgette or DJ on it.

That royally sucked, but I was at least hoping I’d see some fun people on the plane. Maybe Owen and Noah, LeShawna or maybe Lindsay? Anyone but my lovely enemies.

Duncan and I walked up on the ramp bringing our bags with us, and saw we were the last ones to get picked up.

“Oh fucking hell” I said looking at the people around me.

I don’t even know where to start. This season is gonna bottom suck. From our seasons, there was Gwen, Heather, and Courtney.

Yeah. The three bitches of the west! Ugh, I mean yeah, Gwen and I are alright, but it’s not easy to completely forgive and forget.

I’ll keep a nice face, because the rest of this plane doesn’t look to promising.

Lindsay had returned, looking zoned out and staring off into space, and there was Sierra as well.

Sierra was pretty funny during the third season, but she was also pretty psychopathic because she loved us all so much.

I was actually pretty surprised Duncan was the only guy brought back from our season. I was even more surprised not to see Owen. I mean, since when does Chris not drag Owen into seasons?

Total Drama All Starsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें