Germany-part 1

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"Flight number 394 to Germany is now boarding in gate 5," the lady announced. Suddenly I felt sick. Am I really going to leave home for three and a half weeks? I can still turn around and go home. No. I must do this. If not for myself, then for Nate. I walked towards the gate and handed the lady my ticket. It's gonna be a long ride.

Somebody was shaking my shoulder. I opened my eyes to see a young lady smiling at me. "The plane will land in 10 minutes." Well, this was quick. I yawned and streched. Lucily there was no one beside me. I packed away my stuff, when the pilot announced we're almost there. I followed the instructutions, and soon we landed. I exited the plane, grabbed my stuff, and just stood there for a moment.

I'm in Germany

I'm going to see Nate

Not once, not twice, but 13 times!

That's more I ever hoped for.

And now I'm going to search for my hotel. Luckily I had a map, and the hotel wasn't that far, so soon enough I was sitting on the bed. I had a quick shower, texted my parents I'm alive and well, and laid down. Sleep came easy for me that night.

I woke up the following morning because because my alarm was blaring quite loudly. I shut it off and sat up. I looked around and then I rememberd, I'm in Germany! Today's concert will start at 7PM, which means I have to be there about three hours early, so I can get a front row seat. It's currently 10AM, so I have about six hours to kill. Before that I'm going to meet up with Dan, and he's going to show me around the city. Then were going to the concert hall, and maybe we can hang out later, too. Overall, I was quite excited. I've talked to Dan for a few months, and he seems like a very intresting guy. I had a quick shower and headed downstairs to eat. The food table was huge. I ate some cereal and went back to my room. I changed into some black pants and put on my "I want to battle" t-shirt. I brought 5 Nate-themed tshirt, Leaving 3 at home. We decided to meet in Mcdonals. It was quite close to my hotel, so I arrived there before him. I sat down, and soon enough I saw his brown fringe. He was so tall, it was hard to miss him. He saw me and walked up to me. "Hey, I'm Dan." "And I'm Matt."

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