Before his fingers could could make contact with the other person a hand snatched up and grabbed his in a death grip. A sharp gasp could be heard from the now awake glaring woman who starred at sean as if she would slice him open right there and then "don't......... Don't fucking..... touch me...... redhead" she managed to hiss in short breathed words. Sean Let out a Yelp and fell back onto his ass with a panicked expression. "U- uh!" He just started at her not really knowing what to do until a strong hand grabbed him by the neck and dragged him away in one short manner. "Sean you Goodamn fool! I said no touching! Are you that braindead you lazy Irish fool ?!" Arthur growled and pushed the younger man away "go get dutch and tell him the girl is awake!". Sean scurried away and athur turned to the now conscious woman . "Please excuse this fool. Hes not very bright in the head....I mean its not not like I'm very bright either..." athur sat down on a stool next to the bed the woman laid on. The outlaw took of his hat off and smiled at her "I'm athur morgan. Nice meeting ya." The dazed woman started at him for a minute before she huffed "I... know. I heard about ya." She managed to say, still in pain. "Ah.... I'm- my name is Arin. Arin Kennedy Anderson but call me Arin." Arin smiled slightly and sat up trying to remain composture despite the burning pain in her shoulder blade. "So I really managed to ran into the infamous van der linde gang ? I'm honoured". Athur chuckled "infamous? Yeah...I... I guess we are....and it's a pleasure to meet you as well Arin. But I wouldn't be excited if I were you. Were just gang of lowlifes, murders and lost souls.... outlaws ...." he said in a huff and looked onto the dirt on the ground. "Fucking bulshit" arin exclaimed making athur look up at her surprised. "You are fighting for freedom. A group of independent humans fighting for what they love and believe in, that's what you are! Y'all don't take shit from anyone!" She said sternly making athur starre at her even more dumbfounded. "She's right my boy!" A strong voice came from behind athur. "Dutch van der linde. It's a pleasure miss Anderson" Dutch reached his hand out to Arin. "We saw you falling from your horse and we took the liberty to take care of you. I hope you don't mind" Arin shook his hand with a grin. "You saved my life . I owe you and I'm honoured to meet you in person mister van der linde" dutch grinned at that. "Oh no problem my girl. We don't leave any lady to die if we can prevent it." The charismatic man smiled assuring. "So if you don't mind me asking .... what brings lovely lady like you in a place like this? From the looks of it you seem to belong in a warm city manor with pheasants serving you not in .... the wild with a bunch of wanted outlaws... Even if your attire suggests otherwise- " Dutch trailed off and looked firmly at the new acquaintance. "... Well I once was..." Arin propped herself up the pain in her shoulder is numb now so it doesn't hurt as much and the pain in her head was gone as well "if you want me too I could explain you my story mister van der linde... I think I can trust you... " she muttered her feet touching the floor so she could sit upright properly facing the two outlaws. "Dutch how about we all gather around the fireplace and have something to eat and drink and let the lady tell us her story then? If.... she wants to become a part of us...." Arthur suggests and dutch nodded. "Good. I think that's a good idea. Your must be starving miss coover. Mister pearson is our cook. He can turn anything into a meal for your liking" dutch got up patting Arin's uninjured shoulder. "Rest up. Sit down and get to know us. If you want to stay- and I believe you look like you want to- we welcome you with open arms." The outlaw gently smiled and tipped his hat. "If you excuse me now miss" he left and athur helped Arin upon her feet. "I believe you're somehow something really special miss. Having the local law hunting ya and not because they want to see you swing on the gallow is something odd. I can't wait to hear you story" he said supporting the unsteady girl. She turned to look at him. "I didn't plan on getting shot. In fact it's a disgrace for me. I take my worth into my pride and abilities. Being a weak damsel in distress makes me wanna puke. The reasons and my story might explain my point mister morgan" she huffed and made a move to push athur softly away so she could stand on her own to athurs utter surprise. "Meeting like this is embarrassing. Almost dyin' like a wounded buck... No ... I don't like this at all... I wish that you forget that first impressions me..." she bit her lip as she took a few steps towards the fireplace and made it there before her knees gave out but she didn't let anyone notice. "Where's..." she looked around until she focused her eyes on her golden animail companion. "Caspian my beautiful boy!" The stallion lifted its head and immediately trotted over to its owner. Arin chuckles and rested her forehead on the horses head caressing it. "You got me out of there.... thank you" she smiled patting the stallion before letting it trot back to the other horses of the camp members. After a while the sun started to sink and more camp members joined Arin at the fireplace looking strangely at the newcomer. A Mexican man was the first one to sit next to her and smile "don't be afraid Mi querido~ everything is okay.... I'm javier- Nice to meet you" he reached a hand to arin. She shook it "I'm Arin" she sighs and saw more and more people- members of the van der linde gang drop around the fire. Finally after athur and sean settled down next to her Dutch approached the people with a smile. "Good evening everyone. As you can see we have a new member in the gang. Everyone say hello to Arin . I don't know much more then her name at the moment but I'm sure this lovely lady is ready to tell us more if we keep quiet about it. Of course everyone of us has his story as well. So lets all be considered of her she's still weak" the man said and sat down to the others and Arin took a breath. Athur who sat next to her slowly asked "so who are ya? why was the law after you?" He asked carefully. "Well... I'm from Europe... my father is german and my mother a English woman they own a famous business for horses , carriages and services that's very popular in Europe. We're- they are filthy rich people... I.... I am just born to be a heir one day. I never liked my destiny... of course I loved sleeping in a big bed, bathing in hot water every morning but... Something called me out there. When I turned eighteen left telling my parents I go on a journey for a few years across the sea to live in America "to study and prosper" a lie of course. They believed me. I came here and freed myself of everything. Became an outlaw under a fake identity.... for almost two years now... I murder folk... lived freely-" while she told her story she eyed the others " but soon everyone caught wind of me... Bad people... the law... Bounty hunters... and Pinkertons... But ... For a strange reason they want me alive... And I don't know why" she Finished telling her throat feeling dry, she never told anyone her story not mere strangers anyway. Everything was quiet for a moment before athur spoke up "that's a.... uh... Strange situation" he scratches his head. "So ya' are a rich miss right gal' hmm?" Sean said with a smug face. "Don't call me that-" arin scolded him "I'm more than just my bloodline and money! I have earned my worth as a free independent human being and not my fathers father's future taxpaying princess." She hissed and sighs. "I killed a man with my own bear hands I can survive I don't need a government or laws.... just like you all" she said determined, Arin doesn't take shit from anyone, Cold blooded and merciless if she has to be. She was all that when she was out there fighting but only to people who deserved it. By scanning the other camp members and by the knowledge she had of them her eyes stared to flare up. She decided she would use her special talent on them. 'Reading people like open books' she smirked 'exposing what's deep inside' a natural gift she could easily use on innocent people.

"You know.... I can see what's going on with people.... you all... Each and everyone of you... I can read you ya know" Arin said in a slightly threatening tone. "Haha very funny gal' as if ya can do this" sean snickers, grinning as he took another sip from the beer bottle he was holding. Arin starred at him "ah... Really ? Mister maguire? So you're telling me you're not trying to prove everyone how helpful you are ? But you ruin it by being constantly lazy and annoying? Youre one of the youngest here by the looks of it and youre always using your nationality to make yourself seem better than you are when in reality you're just a young hothead trying to keep up with the big boys!" Arin said with determination her eyes not leaving the irish redhead for a second. Sean was silent, gripping the bottle tightly in his hand and moved his head down in defeat. Everyone was starring at arin like she just set off dynamite right there in camp. "Wow.... well that... Was... Interesting
.." Arthur said awkwardly trying to break the silence but this earned him Arins attention. "Athur Morgan... I could say a lot when it comes to you but.... I don't feel like exposing the man who saved me out in the open" she huffed. Athur quickly shut his mouth and looked away. "Where did you learn that?" Javier asked stunned. "Reading people like this..." he added looking at her . "Studying and reading books about psychology .... my father forced me to" she sighs.

"Ah did he now... that's quite Interesting. " dutch was smoking a cigar and huffed "very interesting. You seem to have a lot of talents.... so you even could read me if you wanted to miss Coover?" He asked carefully. Arin nodded and bit her lip "well .... yeah probably.." she rubbed her head and sean rolled his eyes "don't matter whatcha' tink' of me now since yer' told everyone bout' me things but I still wanna' have the chance to drink a couple of beer with ya" He chuckled and handed Arin a bottle "lets celebrate the new gal's life with us then lads'" he cheered and so ended the first evening with Arin at the van der linde gang.

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