He waved the white officer away, while the officer gave me a glare.

"I'm Officer Hart" He introduced himself.

"Aubrey, but can you please help me find my fiancée Robyn Fenty?" I rushed.

He guided me to the back of the station, He began to interrogate me.
* 45 minutes later *

"I'll see what we can do, but nothing is all at the moment. We'll just give you a call tomorrow"

My hopes went down, I exited the station. I drove home, All I could think about was Robyn. I entered the house, alone. I ate, alone. I took a shower, alone, and I went to bed, alone.

( Rihanna's POV )

I squirmed in the seat I was laying in.
"Aubrey!" I screamed so loudly.

"Shut the fuck up with all that yelling, aint nobody gon' hear you with all the way outhere." Chris startled me.

"What do you want? You broke up with me for that bitch Karate!"

"Its Karruche!" He quickly came to her defense. "And the breakup was a temporary thing. I wanted for you to be happy" He clearly lied.

"Want me to be happy?" My expression softened.

He nodded with sorrow.

"Well let me be with Aubrey and leave me the hell alone" I fired back up, "Im done with yo childish ass. Im sick of your bullshit, you only started this pointless shit, because you know Aubrey is a real man unlike you."

Chris gave me the the resting bitch face, and groaned, "Bitch Goodnight." and slammed the door.
I silently cried my self to sleep, thinking about Aubrey, praying he would find me.
Next Morning

"Wake up." Chris slightly tugged me.

I shifted uncomfortably in my seat, "What!" I snapped.

"Couple Weeks, were leaving for Europe. I gotta go get our passports. Dont try shit while Im gone" in that moment Chris was gone.

Saddness came over, I was stuck in a cold dark room, while my stomach growled. My baby started to kick hard as I winced in pain.
"Its okay baby girl. Daddy will get us out of this." I whispered while rubbing her.
The kicking suddenly stopped, and I laid my head back while I closed my eyes.
( Drake's POV )

"Find anything yet?" I asked with impaitence.

"A little bit, We think she's somewhere outside LA. In the middle of nowhere, so she's close"
Pictures of my car, past crimes with Chris, Chris himself, and Robyn sat in front of me. The investigator and officer looked me in the eyes, as we disscussed for hours.

They told me to go home with no work progressed at all. I didnt answer anybodys phone calls, nor went out of the house. Gossip stories fled over the internet, fans worried about my MIA from social media, celebs called.
My beard grew thicker, bags created under my eyes, and headaches came and got brutal.

4 weeks later
As I stared at the wall, my phone went off. I looked at the caller ID, and answered because it was the investigator.

"Hello?" I cleared my groggy voice.

"Mr. Graham? We tried everything we could, but we're finding nothing." He told me.

My fist clenched, "You dont just give up on shit like this!" My temper released.

"Sorry sir" He said with no concern.
I thought and hung up. I drove all the way to the station and busted through the door.
I looked through the scared eyes of the investigator and officer.

"You know what? Both of you are dumbasses, and you obviously arent good agents because you didnt look in on this shit." I shoved the picture of my car into their faces, "You see this?"
They nodded their heads quietly knowing not to mess with my heated emotions.
"Well Chris took it, real agents would know to track the license plate down and find them."

They slowly looked guilty of stupidity.

"Now, I want you to get your ass on that computer, track the license plate down, and find my future wife got it?" I commanded.
They nodded, and went to their computer. We found the exact location and made are way to it.

( Rihanna's POV )

Its been four weeks, and Aubrey still hasn't came. I started to get worried because Chris planned to take me overseas tonight.
He came in with my Louis Vuitton full of clothes.
"You ready?" He asked me.
I rolled my eyes, "I aint going nowhere with you"
He smirked at me, he started to cut the tape off that cutted my circulation off for four weeks straight. He then quickly jumped up,
"What the fuck Robyn!"
I crinkled my eyebrows at him, but then noticed what he was looking at.
Leaking water was everywhere.

Shit. I thought.

"My water broke!" I screamed.

Found My Love (AN AUBRIH STORY | COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now