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( Drakes POV )
I made my way back to the red carpet, to meet up with Robyn, but when I got there she was nowhere to be found. I had a puzzled look on my face and checked my messages.

I looked around the bushes some more, and saw nothing. I sent her a quick text asking where she was, but no respond. I stopped Chance the Rapper,
"Have you seen Robyn?"

"Yea, She was just around here, but then when I turned around she's gone" He said with a look of concern.
I looked around, and asked celebrities where she was, but nobody hasn't seen her since the beginning of the pre-show. The main show began to start and everybody started to leave, I started to rub my hands on my face.

"Aubrey, are you coming?!" Kanye appeared out of nowhere.

"My fault, I cant find Robyn nowhere around here." I said with guilt not wanting miss on my long time friend's show.

"Damn. Hope you see her." He said walking towards the doors.
I assumed she just went back to the car, so I went to the parking lot to find my Bugatti, but it was nowhere to be found. I called her, but no answer. I prayed to myself that she didn't leave me because I was being an asshole.

I sighed in my hands, with tears forming. I tried to think how I would get her back. My phone rang and I quickly picked it up.

Blocked Number
"Hello?!" I answered.

" Aubrey help me!" A small voice trembled.

"Baby! What the hell? Where are you" I said with relief.

"Cc-hris kidnapped me, and tied me up he's about to rape me." She started to cry.

My heart stopped, and I started to clench my fist.

"He took your car, come find me please" She cried harder.

"Tell me where you are, don't worry" I said trying to calm her down.

She sat there in silence.
"Bitch what the fuck?!" I heard in the background.

"12- AHH" The line went dead.
I slammed my phone down breaking the screen.

"What are you doing out here?" Eminem appeared.

"I could ask you the same question" I looked at him.

"Award shows aren't my thing, I don't even know why I came" He shook his head.

"I know what you mean" I said in a hurry. "I'm only here for Robyn, speaking of her, she got kid-, she got lost and I need to find her. My car is gone" I said in favor.

"Only because I care for Robyn deeply, keep it" He tossed me the keys to the Ferrari, and headed back inside.
I quickly pressed the unlock button, saw his gleaming red Ferrari. I drove to the police station, I ran to a white officer who was reading a magazine.

"Help me, my fiancée got kidnapped by her crazy ass ex!"

"How long has it been?" He said with no concern.

"A hour" I said impatiently.

"You can't claim a kidnapping or missing crime until 48 hours" He said not looking up.

"I don't care help my fucking fiancée!"

"Watch your fucking tone!" He said slamming the magazine down.

"Nigga, I can buy you, you watch your fucking tone. Do you know who the fuck I am?" I said unpleased.
He pulled a gun out on me, I gave him a puzzled look.

"Oh you doing this because I'm black?" I joked.

"Leave the man alone! I would act the same way if it was my wife." A black officer entered.

Found My Love (AN AUBRIH STORY | COMPLETED)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora