By the time I was wired up and had my mic and everything I literally had just 10 minutes before I had to go on. Talk about being rushed.

I could hear the girls singing their hearts out. I knew how much they wanted this. The guardian angels were always rehearsing and practising harmonies or going over dance moves. This week they were singing Jingle Bells and they sounded great. This week was Christmas week.

When they had finished and the judges had given them their comments it was my turn. I was stood behind the sliding doors.

'And now a small girl with a big voice, who needs no introduction. It's Ariana Grande.' Dermot introduced me and the crowed screamed and cheered. My VT started playing while I hurried on stage and got into my position. I was singing Last Christmas. I heard my VT stop playing and the music start. I took a deep breath and looked at Harry. He gave me an encouraging smile and I smiled back, slightly.

'I hate that I remember,

I wish I could forget

what you did last December

you left my heart a mess

Boy you blew it, how could you do it

do it

Last Christmas, I gave you my heart

but the very next day you gave it away

this year, to save me from tears, I'll give it to someone special'

I carried on singing and I couldn't take my eyes off of Harry. A camera caught my eye and I realised that people would know something was up so I tore my gaze from him. Instead I looked to my mum, dad and Frankie in the first row. Singing along and swaying from side to side. They all waved at me so I gave them a little smile and wink.

I finished the song and the crowd erupted in cheers and clapping. I looked at the judges desk. They were all on their feet clapping and cheering along with the audience. They were all looking up at me smiling and I felt on top of the world. Dermot joined me on stage.

'So Ariana that was a great performance, I swear you just keep getting better and better' He smiled.

'Aw thank you Dermot' I giggled.

'How do you think that went?'

'Well I'm hoping it went well. But we don't know until we talk to the judges do we?'

'I can tell you it went well' He laughed and I joined in ' Do you think you have a good shot at the final?'

'Thank you! And I'm really not sure at the moment. I mean there is only a few of us left and everyone is so talented and so amazing its hard to determine what will happen next.'

'That's true, it is a very close competition this year. So judges what do you think?'

'Well I thought it was incredible. I don't know how but every week you come back with a little extra something just as I think you cant get any better you do!' Louis said smiling.

'Thank you so much' I smiled back at him. I was hoping all of the judges will feel the same.

'It was really good. Like really good but I don't think it was the right song for showing off all of your potential' Katy said. All of the audience booed and the judges joined in.

'Ok, thank you I will do better with my next song, I promise' I was nervous now. Did everyone feel like that?

'My little baby, I don't know how Katy could say that. You were incredible. You honestly never stop amazing me. I'm so sorry I couldn't be around this week I missed you like crazy but next week me and you against the world ok?' Tulisa said comfortingly.

'Thank you so much Tulisa. I missed you so much!' I was Tulisa's last act and I wanted her to win so much, she puts so much effort into her contestants. I hoped I could do her proud. Now it was Harry's turn.

'Ariana, that was perfect. Everytime I hear you sing it's like the first. I love your voice so much. It's so powerful yet pure. There is just something there that makes you want to never stop listening to you.'

'Thank you Harry' I blushed and looked at the ground. Dermot spoke for a bit and read out the number to phone to vote for me and then I left the stage. As soon as I was off I had people fussing around me, telling me I did great, telling me to hide, telling me Josh was here for me, telling me I was definitely through to next week.

'Wait what?' I asked.

'Josh is here for you. We don't know where though. He was seen on security cameras sneaking in. And because Saturday is the busiest day no one stopped him and they've lost him.'

'I need to find him' I said and started to run.

'No ari! He is here for you, you need to hide' They were all shouting at me now but I knew what I had to do.

Where should I look? He would probably be looking in my rehearsal room. So I ran there. Sure enough as I reached to open the door the door flew open and Josh ran out and knocked me to the ground.

'Sorry- Ariana! I'm so sorry! I was just looking for you!'

'What are you doing here?' I asked letting him help me up.

'I needed to see you' He replied walking me into my practise room to sit down.

'You know Harry will kill you right?'

'I know, I just needed to see you'

'Why? Your girlfriend dump you?' I was getting angry now, I didn't mean to. I couldn't help it.

'Ari..' he reached to cup my cheek but I leant backwards.

'Don't call me that' I spat. He looked upset but he deserved it.

'You have changed, he has changed you'

'I don't know what you mean' I replied simply.


'NO! Harry hasn't done anything to me except be there for me when you weren't. You are the one who changed me. Not him'

'I'm so sorry about what I did. But I know you still love me. I can see it when you look at me.' He was slightly right. I thought I was over him but while he was here next to me I couldn't deny I still had some feelings for him.

'You cheated on me, lied to me then tried to kidnap me? And you think sorry will work?'

'Just say you have no feelings for me at all and I will leave' He promised.

'You know I cant do that'

'You still like me then?' He asked hopefully.

'I don't have any feelings for you' I told him. My heart broke a little.


'whatsoever' when I heard the words come out of my mouth they sounded so cold and empty. I knew if I didn't tell him now and I hung around him again my feelings would grow for him. I had to tell him because if I didn't tell him now I never would.  josh sighed, stood up and left the room after taking one last look at me. I knew I would never see him again. I felt a ta r fall from my eye roll down my cheek and fall onto my hand.

I needed Harry and I needed him now.


hey guys, thanks for reading. Pease vote and comment what you thought:)


Also I have a new fanfic dedicated to the lovely Georgina who passed away recently. Its called 'Half a heart without you' and it would mean a lot if you read it. Thank you x


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