"Friendly" Competition

Start from the beginning

Trust me, I ate them before on one of Pinkie's dares.

And I tell you, I had indigestion and diarrhea for three days straight.

"And now, I've seen you guys argue like fuck and there's no backing out on this one," I tapped my feet impatiently. "Who is she?"

"His mom," Soarin snickered as he pointed to Zephyr.

Zephyr looked offended.

Then he wrapped his arms around me.

"Nah, you can name the world's ladies if you want, but I got a date to attend," he flashed a smirk at me, "with Rainbows."

"Hey," Soarin said in a dangerously low voice.

He looked kinda...angry? Again? Over me? And Zephyr together?

That almost made me blush.

Zephyr just smirked at him.

I tried to ignore my curious and hopeful thoughts.

"Says who?" I scowled and judo-flipped Zephyr.

He landed on the ground with a groan and that satisfied me.

Then I turned my attention to Soarin.

"No, seriously, who were you two arguing about?" I asked.

"Someone you shouldn't know, princess," Soarin flashed me his signature smirk and walked out onto the field, practicing his shots.

I scoffed and mocked his reply. "Someone you shouldn't know," I said in a really high-pitched voice and that made Spitfire and Fleetfoot laugh. "Princess," I faked a curtsy and rolled  my eyes.

"Come on guys," I said and let them out to the field, "don't wanna get lazy, do ya?"

They just trudged after me.

"Can I help?" Soarin and Zephyr exclaimed at the same time.

Now it's after school and I got flyers to give out. Like, ya know, to slot in the mailboxes.

I know right, isn't that the mailman's job?

And now the boys are volunteering.

"Okay..." I split the flyers into three parts and handed the boys each one and one for myself.

"I'll drive," Zephyr quipped before Soarin could say anything.

"Why do you drive so fucking slow?!" Soarin groaned.

He was right.

Now we were in Zephyr's old town cranky car and that's just so not impressive.

Zephyr was just driving really wobbly and he was trying to turn in other lanes, but he kept failing.

He was also SO SLOW.


"It's my first time that I drove since getting my driver's licence!" Zephyr growled.

"You keep on going straight!" Soarin facepalmed.

"Ooh ooh ooh! Turn now! Turn now!" I exclaimed.

"Huh huh huh?" Zephyr looked in every direction and missed the opportunity to turn. Again. For the million's time.

"Argh," I groaned. "Are you sure you actually got a driver's licence?"

"Yes I do!" He glared at me and put his hands off the wheel to get his licence out.

"The wheel!" I exclaimed and he put his hands on the wheel again.

"Nevermind," Soarin groaned at the back. "He's driving so slow that I don't think anything would happen anyway."

Zephyr shot him a glare.

"Why do you keep on going straight?! When you practiced the driving courses, didn't you learn how to switch lanes?!" I almost yelled.

"O-Of course I did," He stammered. "And w-what's wrong with going straight?"

"Yeah yeah," I rolled my eyes and leaned on the window beside me.

I simply gave up on him.

I sighed.

"The earth is round so if you keep going straight we might get there one day."

I know I know I know, Dashie here is really oblivious. She just doesn't wanna get her hopes up. Just deal with it people.

And I don't know if the soccer rules and info and stuff are correct okay?! I play it and love it but I don't play like a pro so stop telling me this and that are wrong.

I just don't know 'kay?

I'll try to correct it in the later chappies.

See ya
~Addictive Reads

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