"What do you want? " they ask in unison

It's really creepy when they do that.

"I know you guys are good at sensing things that people can't see so...I want you to see if I'm pregnant or not! "

GoGo and Heki look at each and they both chuckle.

"The baby's life will be hell. " GoGo grumbles

"It will not because I will protect my baby! " I scowl at him

Heki reaches out her hand and places it on my belly.

Please say yes! please say yes!

"I feel very sorry for your baby. " Heki answers quietly.

"So I am pregnant?! " I jump

They both nod.

Holy shit I can't believe it! I'm going to have his baby!

"Oh thank you! Thank you! Thank you! " I push into my arms and squeeze them.

"Release us before you lose your arms. " they threaten in unison.

"Sorry. "

"The guards will be back soon, you should leave before they see you. "

"Right! Thanks again " I smile and shut the door titanium door and lock it again like nothing ever happened.

I can't wait to tell JuuJuu the news!

He was still out when I came back so it gave me
time to just chill out on the couch till I hear the door open.
I frown when I realize it's not JuuJuu but just some scientist.

"Let's go Lucia."

"Where to? " I lift a brow.

"The testing room? "

"Why are you making me go? "

"Because you are a test subject? " he looks at me as if I lost my mind.

"I thought I didn't do those anymore! " my eyes widen.
Since I started living here with JuuJuu I stopped being called for tests.

"Sweetie don't think just because your living here with JuuJuu makes you get out of experiments. " he pins me down and cuffs my hands together and leads me to the test room.

"Let me go! " I scream.

Every subject I'm passing by through the hall is looking at me as if I lost my mind. I haven't though, I'm JuuJuu's girl and I don't see why I have to go through this! I deserve special treatment!

"You can't treat me this way! "

"Yes we can, the government signed you over to us and now our property, we can basically do whatever we want to do with you. " he fights to hold me down as we finally get into the room and straps me down to the surgery table.

"What kind of test is this?! "

He ignores me and starts readying his tools as the other group of scientists walk in and start preparing me.

They lift up my shirt and start drawing lines in my stomach.


"WHAT THE HELL IS THIS TEST?! " I scream, now panicking.

The scientist that brought me in here pulls out a large dirty jar with bunch of organs in it.

"Seven stomachs are going in you today sweets! " he exclaims

I try not to gag, I fight to break free but the others kept holding me down.

"You can't do this to me JuuJuu will kill you all!"

"But why would I do that if I'm the one who arranged it honey bun! " a voice giggles from the other side of the room.

"JuuJuu? "

"The one and only. " he smiles at me.

"Why!? "

"Because it the idea of having this many stomachs fascinated me! " he grins

"But- you can't! "

The scientist waves a scalpel over me
"Now hold still. "


He stops and everyone's eyes are widen, I look at JuuJuu who looks like he's just seen a ghost.

"That's impossible.." One of them gasps

"But it is! I didn't think so either! " I exclaim

"Let her go." JuuJuu breathes, I can tell he's trying not to lash out.

"But what abou-"

"I SAID LET HER GO! " he screeches. They do as told and I get up to hug JuuJuu but he steps away from me, I give him a puzzled look.

What's wrong?

"Not a word to my father about this. " he hisses and looks at me "I'll handle this myself " he grabs me by my hair and drags me to our cell.

"YOU STUPID TWAT!" He screams at me as he throws me across the floor.
"You'll hurt the baby! " I shout

"LIKE I GIVE A DAMN! " he booms

"Are you not happy?! "

He takes a deep breath trying to calm down but it doesn't help. "This creature will only bring problems here. " I lift a brow. "It has already been confirmed that any child created by two abnormals will result as a serious threat to people from out and inside H.M.E." He breaths


"I don't believe that! Our baby can be different!"

"Well I do! " he screams at me and I jump.

"You better figure out a way to get rid of it before I rip it out of your belly! " he threatens and slams the steel door as he leaves.

He doesn't want this baby, and he wants me to get rid of him.

I stay on the floor and weep.

I Fell for a Psychopath ( Side story of Inhumane )Where stories live. Discover now