You looked at the clock in the kitchen it read 9:49am.

You hadn't slept much or well for that matter so, you laid back on the couch and took another nap.

Two hours later you got up and forced yourself to eat something.

Since it was Sunday there was nothing really for you to do.

You went to your room and grabbed your laptop, you looked up mind control and hypnosis looking for any new studies and information that could help Steve.

Mind control is a tricky subject but Steve was in too deep, and it wouldn't be right to deny Captain America of your services.

You read about 12 articles before looking at the clock, it was well after 6pm.

You quickly got dressed and headed out the door for some food.

You entered the Chinese restaurant a block up the street from you.

As you sat waiting for your food, a man walked in.

He was tall and had shoulder length brown hair and scruffy facial hair.

The man had broad shoulders which in addition to his height and his natural glare made him look incredibly intimidating.

He looked in your direction and you nervously looked away and continued waiting for your food.

"That's a nice song you're humming." A voice said.

Your head shot up.

It was that big broad man.

You smiled up at him,"Thanks. I um didn't know I was humming actually. I do it absentmindedly sometimes. My boyfriend hates it."

His face fell so faintly it was almost impossible to detect.

You gave him another smile,"Would you like to sit?"

He looked nervous,"I...I don't know."

"C'mon." You kindly insisted. "Besides, this is the only table in here. You surely don't want to stand this whole time."

"I don't mind standing." He added nonchalantly.

You shrugged finally giving up,"Okie dokie."

He fought a laugh,"Okie dokie? What are you like 5 years old?"

Your eyes widened as a smile danced on your lips. "What? A grown woman can't say okie dokie?"

He gave a light almost inaudible laugh. It was almost like he was robotic.

"You can say whatever you want doll."

Your face became flushed and you looked away.

A second later the cashier called your order and you grabbed your food.

Turning back to the man you smiled,"Well. It was nice meeting you. Enjoy your food." You paused, enjoy your food? Really? Ugh. "I uh. Guess I'll see you around."

You anxiously rushed out of the restaurant and began your trek back home.

After a few feet you felt someone breathing down your neck.

"Gimme your purse bitch." A shrill voice demanded.

You were never good under pressure so you froze in your tracks unsure what to do.

"I SAID GIVE ME YOUR PURSE!" He said louder this time and gripped your arm violently.


"Hey!" A voice shouted from behind. "Let her go."

The breathing on your neck stopped as the thief turned around to get a look at your hero.

You pulled yourself away and faced the man as well.

It was Mr.Big and Broad coming to save the day.

He was standing somewhat in the shadows.

"Are you okay?" He asked you.

You silently nodded still in fear.

The thief looked at me,"Do you know him?!"

"Yeah!" You nervously shouted,"He'll kick your ass." You added still visibly shaking.

He laughed and turned back to the man from the restaurant,"Yeah right."

He grabbed your arm again.

The man stepped out of the shadows,"I said let her go." He said in a firm angry tone.

The thief's eyes widened as if he recognized the man. He quickly let go and ran off as fast as he could in the other direction.

The man took a few steps towards you as you calmed yourself down.

"He didn't hurt you did he?" He asked in a concerned tone.

"Not physically." You breathed out.

"Hey," he began in a sweet voice. "Let me take you home."

Doll - Winter Soldier FanficWhere stories live. Discover now