Partying Hearts - sept

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As usual, hope you guys are enjoying this! Dedications go to best comments! Dedicated to stormy_cloud8 for all her wonderful comments <3 

                                      *                     *                   *

                                                                                                   October 4th, 2013

                                                                                                               [11: 13 pm]

VII- Carson

Chugging down the remaining of his drink, Carson disposed of his red party cup inside the trashcan beside him. He'd been lurking in the kitchen for the past half hour – where it was less crowded – so he didn't have to handle the annoying gossip going around his clique.

He hastily wiped the back of his mouth with the cuff of his dark grey sweater and peaked through the large door of the room, spotting Emma on the couch with her best friend. His lips curled in disdain. Carson had been disgusted with Amy and Emma's behaviour. Despite him being the only one to know Em's real personality, it didn't stop him from getting angry at her on the rare occasions where she'd join Amy to make a fool out of a poor innocent Lana. He'd worked with Lana a fair amount of time, and knew just how genuine and sincere she was. In his opinion, she didn't deserve to be treated like the scum at the bottom of their shoes.

This stupid social ladder, Carson thought remorsefully and shook his head. The extent people were willing to go too in order to achieve popularity thoroughly repulsed him. Right now, that's exactly how he was feeling towards Emma.

Speak of the devil. Carson had been eyeing her cautiously that he'd jumped on spot when he saw her stand up from the couch and wave her hand in the air dismissively, laughing about something the boys were saying. Emma flipped her auburn locks over her shoulder and sauntered to the kitchen hallway, effectively catching Carson's accusatory gaze.

She bit her bottom lip, almost guiltily when she caught the thundering expression inching across his face. He looked at her and arched an eyebrow challengingly, before crossing his arms over his chest in a defiant manner.

Emma pushed through people, muttering small apologies as she walked through the hallway. Finally, she'd entered the kitchen and breathed a sigh of relief. Walking up to Carson, she gave him her brightest smile, in a vain attempt to lighten up the mood.

Truth be told, she could practically feel his judgemental gaze on her when she and Amy where making fun of Lana. It was practically killing her, but she couldn't help it. If that's what it took for her to fit in, then so be it. Good or bad.

“Hi,” she chirped enthusiastically and the corner of her mouths tipped up in an apologetic smirk. Emma knew just how much Carson hated it when she pulled shit like that.

He rolled his eyes at her and gave her his back as he walked to the kitchen counter to prepare himself another drink. Emma huffed and followed him, knowing full-well that he was going to give her a hard time.

“Great party, huh?” she tried again, and touched his back softly with her hand. He flinched quickly and she dropped her hand, her smile faltering. She hissed out a breath and peered at Carson through her long lashes, hoping he'd forgive her again.

“I'm sorry.”

A look of pure shock flashed across Carson's eyes and his lips parted in disbelief. “Sorry, Em? Wow. You know, I'm not the one you should be apologizing too.”

Emma puffed out her cheeks before biting her lip again. “I know, Car. I know. I just... I-”

“You what?” he sharply retaliated and narrowed his eyes at her. He twisted his body around so his front was practically pressed against her and she could feel his body heat radiating off of him in waves.

Emma flushed a deep red at their sudden proximity and Carson smirked arrogantly, knowing exactly what kind of effect he had on her. She was steadily avoiding his gaze, so he slowly backed her up against the counter until her tiny body was flushed against his tall frame. Dipping his head, his fingers wrapped around her chin and he tilted her head back.

“Em,” he egged on, his eyes boring into her deep brown ones. She didn't say anything, but he knew she was feeling guilty.

“I know I fucked up again, okay?” she quickly spluttered out, desperate to cut the deafening silence that hung around them.

“Damn right you did!”

Carson pressed his forehead against her, and his soft blue eyes bore into hers. “This needs to stop,” he tried telling her seriously, though his voice dropped low as he attempted to scold her.

Emma's attention, however, was elsewhere. Her gaze lingered on his full pink lips as he spoke, and she bit hers in response, waiting for him to close the distance between them. There wasn't a label to their relationship, but they both knew that this was more than just friendship. She tipped her head back and her arms looped around his neck, wanting to pull him down and crash her lips against his. She really didn't want to hear him lecture her.

Then, as if something shifted between them, Carson's eyes darkened and a rough breath escaped his lips as he starred at her - looking so desirable. With a quick swipe of his arm, he pushed away all the empty beer bottles lined behind her on the counter, sending them crashing against the ground. Broken glass was the least of his worries as he grabbed hold on this fiery redhead and hoisted her tiny body up on the counter. His arms snaked around her waist and he pulled her closer to him, her tanned legs straddling his hips.

“Promise you'll stop this, Em,” Carson whispered huskily, his lips brushing against her as he spoke.

Her breathing hitched and she whimpered quietly, wanting to get to it already. He gave her thigh a squeeze, urging her to answer him. When she finally breathed out a small 'yes', Carson smiled handsomely, before crushing his lips against her. 


Your thoughts, lovebirds? [Ps; I know there's a lot of couple stuff going on, but we'll be moving on to other things soon enough. I just want to create a good base.] 

                                                 © afterthehurricane 2013. All rights reserved.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2013 ⏰

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