Partying Hearts - deux

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I'm having loads of fun writing this! Dedicated to @AshleeMay for the wonderful cover! As always, be sure to leave me your feedback! I'd love to hear what you've all got to say. xx

                                               *                         *                       *

                                                                                             October 4th 2013.

                                                                                                       [11: 05 pm]

II- Lana

She kept her head hung low and her gaze cast downward. Lana wanted to avoid the penetrating gazes of her fellow classmates. She knew it was a bad idea to come to this party in the first place.

Loud music blared from the large speakers next to her, and she tried hard not to wince at the thumping of the base. Her heart was mimicking it's beat. Ba-dump. Ba-dump. Ba-dump.

Subconsciously, she ran her hands down her little white dress, smoothing out her pleats.

Lana's mouth went dry and her head snapped up at the familiar sound of laughter. She was flabbergasted to find that it was all all directed towards her. Of course, it was aimed towards her. It always was. It was absolutely ridiculous of her to think that she could ever be one of them.

And when they raised their mocking pointer fingers in her direction and guffawed, she'd had enough.

She shot a sideways glance at him, the boy she'd wanted to impress tonight. However, she wasn't surprised to find his attention elsewhere. A hot bombshell had steered all his attention towards her slutty self.

He could never love her the same way she loved him, could he?

She was only good in the brain department. Nothing else.

Her heart thudded in response. She was hopeless. With one last longing look, she spun on her heels and hastily made her way out of the living room.


                                                © afterthehurricane 2013. All rights reserved 

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