Partying Hearts - quatre

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Dedicated to@TheFallingRain for her sweet comment last chapter! Hopefully you guys are enjoying this story so far! xox

                                             *                  *                 *

                                                                                            October 4th 2013

                                                                                                        [11: 09 pm]

IV- Gabriel 

Gabe was crossing the hallway, beer bottle in hand, when he'd heard the faint sound of utter despair. He froze in his tracks and whipped his head left to right, narrowing his eyes as he cautiously scanned his surroundings.

It's nothing, he thought, just my head playings tricks.

He leaned back against the hallway wall, and watched silently as people zoomed by him, obviously in a hurry. It was dark but the neon lights flashing near the end of the hallway - where the living room began - illuminated the dark corridor in which he stood. He tipped his head back and took a long swig of the alcohol. The strands of his dark hair fell into his eyes, and he made no effort to push them aside. He observed the dancing figures through hooded eyes.

Lana. Where was she?

As if on cue, the sound of faint sniffling rang in his ears again and he was instantly alert. Someone was crying. Squinting his eyes, he caught a small body curled against the opposite side of the hallway. He wasted no time and marched towards it. Bending down, his eyes widened as he recognized the familiar face of his best friend. He pulled her fragile body against his hard chest and ran his fingers through her blonde locks.

Who'd done this to her? Gabe ground his teeth, fury sweeping over him.

Lana clung to Gabe dearly and in a matter of a few seconds, spilled everything to him. The heart-breaking sensation that swirled in her heart only heightened her emotions and she cried harder, staining his red t-shirt. He kept cooing words of comfort to her, trying to soothe her from the pain she was currently feeling.

He'd teach those bastards a lesson, that was for sure. Especially Noah. Boy, he wanted to hurt him the most. What Lana saw in him- he'd never know.

And as Gabriel gazed down at his best friend's tear strained face, something shifted inside him. She'd never looked more beautiful to him. His breath hitched and his heart raced faster. He couldn't hold back anymore. He'd wanted her for so long. Screw Noah and anyone else she may have liked. Without thinking about the consequences of his actions, he'd cupped her jaw and kissed her mouth softly.

What surprised him the most, in that moment, was that Lana responded to his touch. She kissed him back with equal fervour, clutching at his broad shoulders. Gabriel had felt like the luckiest guy in the world.

But, what these two lovebirds didn't know, was that someone was watching their heated, passionate exchange from far away.


Your thoughts, lovebirds? xx

                                                © afterthehurricane 2013. All rights reserved 

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