Ten years later.......

Start from the beginning

I walked to the empty patch in the woods where there was nothing but a field and a couple of logs. Alright, training time! I will become as strong as everyone and get my mangekyou sharingan! I begun my training by making several ninja stars appear between each of my fingers and straight up the hill nearby. This is a new obstacle that Tari made for me about last week. Where I practice on my opponents that are moving and hiding from me. 

At first, I look up from the hill and search for my prey. Then, I see heads behind trees looking my direction. I don't have to look with my eyes, I can already feel there eyes and aura pointing at me. They're not really people. There just dummies made from bags of hay and have drawn on faces made by Kiyoshi and Rin. They're controlled my strings. I don't no exactly if they moving on their own, mostly that's something that Kuroko can expand. Kuroko does all these tricks with moving objects by themselves and sneaky booby traps to get the objects going as if they're real people.

I pinpoint where they are just by standing and without turning my head or anything. Then using my speed, I jump from the top of the hill to behind my target and stab the dummy in the front. Then also using the same speed, I stab the next one after the other. If I use a good amount of speed, not make a sound and lowering my aura, then I won't give my opponent a single second to react. I call this move, "Silent Plague." Sound a bit scary. But that's how scary my ability is!

So far, I stabbed about eight targets now, but there are seventy-two target left, making the total eighty. Now I have some time before I am all done. It shouldn't take me long. After all, it only took me about a 4 seconds to stab them so it should be short time. I stabbed the next target after another in a very short amount of time. I mastered my sharingan only at the age seven. Which is why I don't want to tell anyone outside, cause then they might make fun of me and compare me to other famous Uchihas.

"SOMEONE! MY SON IS STOLEN! SOMEONE! ANYONE!" A woman shouted to my attention. I stopped what I was doing and used my senses to tract down where the voice was coming from. It sounded like it was coming from the street from the other direction from my house. Good thing, I was done with my training. Even if I wasn't I would still have to come to the woman's rescue.

I ran as fast as I could to the yelling woman, who needed help. Then she yells again for help, "GIVE ME MY SON BACK! SOMEONE HELP!" A stolen child. Well, that's the first kidnapping. We usually don't have kidnappings over here in this part of the city. Mostly because everyone is well aware of Uchihas living here so no one would try to commit any crime here.

I arrived to the woman's rescue and saw her, on her knees at the foot of the kidnapper, holding on to her leg. She has white hair and wrinkles on her face and looked sick, so she must be an elder? "PLEASE! MY SON! GIVE ME MY SON BACK!" She yelled at the man. A two year old boy, who I guessed was her son was crying behind a tree, with his hands tied behind his back. "LISTEN LADY, SHUT UP!" The man yelled as he kicked the woman in the face.

Oh, I don think so. "HEY! ASSHOLE!" I shouted. The man turned to me with a scar across his chubby face and body. "Has anyone ever told you to respect the elderly?!" I asked, "if not consider this is lesson for you." I prepared myself by sticking up my kunai at him. He ugly dude laughed like it was just a joke. "Why should I? And what are you going to do?"  The guy chuckled. Okay, I guess I have no choice but to go for the hard way. "Oh, you have no idea what I'm capable of." I grinned.

At first I walked very slowly on my first two steps and stop. He was only about two to three yards away from me so, that gives me plenty of space to do this....I ran up to him, jumped to to the tree and kicked him in the face. The dude fell backwards as I came up behind him and kicked him in the back of the head, making him call forwards.

After that, kicked him every everywhere in every angle, very fast so he would respond until he use bruised. Then, he got up to his feet and gave me a dirty look. "So, you can do that, what about this?" The guy held up a earth sign up in front of him.

The tree behind me came over to me with its huge branches and wrapped around me tightly so I wouldn't breathe. Damn. This isn't good. The tree grabbed me tighter around the waist. "You know nothing about that." The kidnapper laughs. Luckily, I was able to have him look at my eyes and pulled out the sharingan.

Then just like that, he fell for my trap and I switched places with him faster than a heartbeat. He blinked his eyes and found himself in the trees grasp and couldn't release himself. "What the.. ARGH!" He struggled. I took send out shadow clones to help the elderly woman and her son out of the way so I would seal the last move. They ran over to the trees and off to there previous doings.

I held up a rat sign and took a big deep breathe in and held the air in my cheek. This is a move that I've been trying to put into action. "Earth Style: Tree runner!" I shouted as I ran up to the dude and ran up his face so hard, and caused the tree to fell backward.

And as I landed on the ground, the trail where I ran started to rush to the tree and blew it right off the ground. The kidnapper screams so loud and was still stuck to the tree, he went with it. I guess the tree landed somewhere far away, I sent that dude flying. "Yes! I did it! He will think twice before..."

"Uh-hum." A voice caught my attention. I turned around and saw a young woman walking towards me. She had long hair, pale skin and had a figure. Seriously, how can you do anything with those things? "(Name) Uchiha, correct?" She asked. I nodded my head as I grew anxious on how she knows my name. "And you are?" I asked.

"I am Lady Tsunade. I am the principal of The Fighting Arts Academy." She introduced herself, "and I just happen to see you deal with a dangerous criminal." Dangerous criminal? That guy? Oh please, he was nothing. "I have a proposal for you, I know that most of your brothers have been accepted into our school." Tsunade continued, "but, I want to know if you would be interested in attending our school."

The whole world stopped for a bit. Fighting Arts Academy? Is this lady serious?! You mean, that Neji it.... "Wait, is this the school for ninjas with special abilities?" I asked. "Why yes. It is been one of the top 3 skilled academies in the world." She smiled, "since you're an Uchiha and your brothers as well, the students might be a tough on you a bit."

Who cares about the other students?! I might be able to see Neji again! So why not, this is an opportunity to get my mangekyou sharingan!

"Lady Tsunade, you have a deal!"

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