Chapter 16

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Alex was quite satisfied with his lies and was glad that his mom believed him without any doubt.
Alex very excitedly drove at a steady speed tailing a cab for the past 15minutes.
He was thrilled and curious as to where the cab was headed to with his girl in it.

Alex had so much to say, but back at school Saaya freaked out and fled without giving him a chance for an apology.
When Alex rushed to chase her, he almost lost his chance as she was already with her friends and off to somewhere.

Just out of curiosity Alex decided to follow her, he felt totally stupid for being so childish and following her around school.
And now he felt even more ridiculous for following her outside of the school.
Right now, he didn't care about how stupid he looked being a stalker.He felt it was absolutely necessary for him to follow her if he ever wanted to resolve his irrational feelings and get to know more about her.

'So where are we headed to' Alex hummed to himself as the cab came to a halt.
He stopped his car at a far away distance so that he won't be noticed.
Alex impatiently tapped the steering wheel as he sat watching the girls walking away.

When they were out of sight he drove his car and parked it right in front of the building in which the girls just entered.

Alex waited in his car debating with himself wether to get off the car or wait in it for some time more.........

After some 10minutes of debating with himself Alex decided to wait and meanwhile inquire about the place.
He knew whom to call, and that person was the only one well informed on anything everything. It was his personal butler Mr.Bash.

Alex took his cellphone and searched through his contacts and dialled.

"Hello.....??" Alex said.

"Hello.....young master what's the matter" Mr.Bash asked.
"Well.....there's something I wanted you to do for me....." Alex requested.

"Go ahead....master......!!!" Mr.Bash encouraged him.
"Firstly, don't call me master............and I want you to find information about a place called 'NG9 LOUNGE'." Alex said.

"Is that where you are at. At NG9 lounge. Sir??" Mr.Bash asked out of curiosity.

"Well....not exactly I'm actually parked in front of the place. And I just saw a friend of mine enter the place and I wanted to make sure the 'my friend' will be safe........that's all....and please hurry up and give me the information.....I asked for" Alex begged him.

"Is your friend a girl.......!!....Sir....!" Mr.Bash asked.
"No...of course not.....why would you guess something like that...." Alex scoffed off.

"Simply because you sound so worked up and so unlike you to.........." Mr.Bash stated.
"'s nothing like are the who is overthinking it.....just gimme the damn information" Alex said sternly.

"Gimme a minute........sir" Mr.Bash asked.

Alex impatiently tapped on the steering wheel and waited for Mr.Bash to answer him.

"Hmmmm.....about NG9 it's a two floored lounge the upper floor serves as a place where mostly formal business meetings are organised at.....whereas the ground floor is more like a club for hipsters......and it's rumoured to be........." He was interrupted by Alex.

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