Chapter 3

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Ruby, Mahaa  and Sadaf  were just standing there for so long that they probably didn't realise that the lunch break was over.
Most of the students were on their way back to their respective classes. Except for a few including us.

They didn't even hear the bell!!!. The look that they had on their faces !!!!.
They looked like kids drooling over delicious candy. They looked exactly like my greedy siblings.
Ellie and I were just looking at them , confused as to what happened to them. They were fixated on someone for a very long time.
The both of us followed their stares that led to a group of four boys.

"What the hell!!!". I couldn't believe what I was seeing. The three of them were fixated on a group of guys.
I was shocked. I've never seen my friends ever checking out any guy ever because it was the opposite for them , they were always hovered by boys asking for their id's or their cell numbers.........until this moment.
I was shocked at them. Ellie was pissed coz she apologised and they didn't listen instead they were checking out some random guys.

Ellie slapped their backs with all her strength.
They stumbled and came back to their senses a few seconds later.

Ellie: Uggghhh!!! How rotten taste you've got in boys. Yuck!!. Ellie raised her hands over her head in disbelief .
Ruby: Don't you think you are being over dramatic again!!!! Ruby scoffed off a little too loud. "They are cuutee just look at them" Ruby squealed.
Ellie was annoyed and she made a disgusted face and walked away ."We better hurry back to class unless.....". Sadaf  walked away. Ellie and Ruby followed alongside with her after stealing a few more glances at the boys on their way to class.

" Mahaa!! What's wrong. Let's go!!!".I decided to walk with Mahaa but she just stood there.
I was confused and didn't know what was wrong with Mahaa. She definitely was going to be late for class and I would probably be thrown out of class for being late.

I grabbed her arm and forced her with me she kept dragging herself and looking back for a few last glances.
I knew we would be lectured for being late to class. I totally hate those type of lectures. We both were just in time before the teacher appeared.We went and sat in our seats.

"What was that all about!!". I muttered under my breath while taking out books from my bag .
Mahaa moved closer so she could whisper without disrupting the class. Mahaa was eager to explain about something and excitement was evident in her eyes.

Mahaa was the one never interested in listening to teachers explanation. She didn't bother herself with any homework either. She was too care free for her own good but I'm not.
I'd rather study and be attentive if I want to be something important in my life.
But today was an exception I could allow myself to be distracted for a while as I wanted to know the reason for her stupidity that happened a few minutes ago.
I wanted to ask Ruby and Sadaf too but they were too far away seated from me.The only one closer to me was Mahaa.

"Are you blind or something." Mahaa raised her eyebrow and continued " Didn't you see those guys!!!".
She opened her mouth to say something but I interrupted " it's just a bunch of okay looking guys. Why do you have to get so worked up about it"
Mahaa had  her eyes wide opened as if she was shocked by my uninformed attitude. Maybe I was being ignorant or something I doubted myself for sometime.
I just sat stiff and crossed my arm to show Mahaa that she completely had my attention.

Mahaa's face grew excited it seemed as if she was brewing a delicious pot of soup and was beginning with the ingredients.She had a wide grin glued on her face and looked very excited with her end result of imaginary soup.
Excited to enlighten me with her wisdom on boys ,that's what I thought looking at her face.

"Those guys are the transfer students!!!." She sounded very excited. "Nd. They were quite popular in their previous school. They are an eye candy."
She went on and on
" They are the same hotties that I've heard so munch about."
"They're popular and trending and everyone from their previous school is going crazy about them" she addded.
" Those dudes are pretty awesome at cricket, basketball and....."  "They are just are inseparable. They always are seen together as a groupie " "and now they transferred here altogether" "those foursomes.........Bla bla bla bla their family.......their......nationality......."
She went on and on about every micro detail beginning with their siblings and cousins their friends their social media accounts and ending with their favourite colour and their weird habit of matching their outfits together and appearing always as a foursome.
I had to listen to her even though I was annoyed like hell.

I sighed and just kept cool and didn't show her my annoyed face. When she was done with her blabbering she looked at me hopefully, expecting me to say something. I pretended to be listening to the teacher and shushed her.

Mahaa definitely wanted to hear me out about here info. She was poking her elbow and irritating me even more.
I told her we shall speak later when we are not in the presence of a teacher. She agreed. I continued pretending to be nerdy.

I was lost in thoughts. There were so many things that my friends didn't knew about me. Should I share my feelings with them. Should I open up my heart to them. Would they understand the situation I was in.
Would they still be my friends after knowing the truth about me. There were things that were more serious happening in my life, should I let them know.
Should I let them in my heart.
Would they understand my pain and sadness. Would they???
Would they?

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