Chapter 2

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Mahaam: I'm so hungry........
Sadaf: Seriously!!! You are always hungry. Why!!
Ellie's: Mahaam you are such a pig......
Mahaam was quiet annoyed with Ellie's remark. She secretly hated Ellie but couldn't bring herself to admit it.
Mahaam was furious.

Everyone sat circling my desk. My lunchbox just caught everyone's attention.
"Smells delicious!!" All of them spoke at once. They burst into laughter and digged in food.

"Saaya!! You always have such good lunch" Sadaf spoke while chewing at the same time.
Saaya always brought home cooked meals rather than buying instant food at the school cafeteria.
Ruby: You are gross Sadaf you eat and speak at the same time. I see things flying out of your mouth
Ellie: Look whose teaching manners today!!!!. Ellie said rolling her eyes.

Ruby was glaring at Ellie,It looked like as if she was about to rip out Ellie's eyes out.
Ruby didn't like Ellie's attitude of commenting on every little thing. They both could pull out each other's hairs but they held their urge coz too have to abide as civilized students.
They were glaring at each other for almost a minute. That's too long!!!

I'm always stuck in between all their spats. I have a pretty bad timing.
God. Why can't they just eat without stirring a fight. What should I do. What should I?!!!!

"I made that food " I broke off their contest of glares.
All four of them seemed pretty shocked.
"Are you serious" Mahaam's eyes were wide with shock.
"You are so good at cooking . I didn't know" Ruby said smiling and took another spoonful.
"Ellie have some it's delicious" Sadaf offered.

Finally they ate in silence without any argument.

"There's 15 minutes more of lunch time. Why don't we take a walk". Sadaf strode out, Ellie followed her.
Ruby, Mahaa and I were still hadn't finished with our lunch.
"Can you believe that bitch!!" Mahaa was furious.
"I swear I could just claw out her eyeballs" Ruby replied.
I had no clue what this was about. I just sat there listening to them swearing.

"Hey you two. Calm down" I broke off.
" Why don't we just get some air" I offered.
Ruby and Mahaa looked dissatisfied. They wanted to continue badmouthing.

I had to literally drag them out. It was of no use. They sulked and they were still furious.
Apparently they were pissed at Ellie's attitude. She sometimes was bossy and didn't bother as to what she said.
Ellie's was helpful and wise but we had to bare with her being bossy most of the time.
While Sadaf got along quite well with Ellie, it's was the rest of us who had to ignore her bitchiness.

While we were halfway through our walk we met up Ellie and Sadaf.
For the rest of the fifteen minutes we walked and talked.
We talked about the other student that were also on the ground .
There were a bunch of guys playing football. A few junior kids played catch.
Some girls were there just to show off in front of their respective crushes.
While we commented and laughed at those stupid girls.

Laughing together...........
In spite of the fact that we were different we laughed in each others company.That was why we just ignored the other persons negative aspect and got along quite well.

"Guys I'm sorry for earlier". Ellie was apologetic.
" I just say things. But I definitely don't mean them. So please just don't get pissed at me. I just speak without thinking."

Ellie was embarrassed she was just staring at her shoes. She didn't realise the rest of them were just staring at a bunch of guys. They were so lost in the thought of those guys that they missed Ellie's apology.
And I was the only one who heard Ellie's words. Ellie's was waiting with her head low for anyone to say something, when there was no reply she turned back frustrated , only to find her friends un divided attention paid to some boys.

I patted her back in an attempt to console her. She gave me a nod and smiled off her embarrassment.
Sometimes I wonder am I the only one sensitive one among them.
They look really insane staring at boys.

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