Chapter 10

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Saayaa opened her eyes and realised her lips were being violated against her will...........
Sayaa was furious but at the same time confused as to the identity of the person who stole her first kiss.
On an an impulse Sayaa jerked away, making the chair screech and falling backwards with a loud thud. The soothing silence was now filled with echoing screech which made Sayaa's heart race erratically. She batted her eyelids at the eerie sounds and mentally prepared for her fall.
She panicked, she expected to land on the floor but somehow she was awkwardly swooped up by firm arms.

Relieved that she didn't embarrass herself by landing on the floor, Sayaa grabbed her rescuer.

Sayaa felt terror at the sudden explosion of noises, her ears couldn't bare it.
The silence was poisoned by eeriness, she absentmindedly held onto the person in front of her.

Trying to calm her wildly beating heart, she inhaled deeply. With each breath, Her nostrils filled with his scent that sent down calming vibes through her. Sayaa sensed a familiarity in the scent, she tried to remember the scent but her heart was too panicked to allow her to think straight. She was sure she knew the scent.

She gripped tightly against his back. Her heart beating wildly against her chest.
Her ears against him, she could hear his thudding heart very clearly. Sayaa felt his heart racing and lost herself in its rhythmic thuds.

They both were locked in an embracement , giving into their feelings they stayed that way for a bit too long.

He had his one arm wrapped around Sayaa and his other gently stroking the back of her head, in an attempt to comfort her. His inhaled deeply the fruity scent that emanated from her hair. He realised she always had a fruity scent on her which always felt irresistibly delicious and laughed at his thoughts.

"Im sorry!! If I startled you!! I didn't mean to......." He spoke in a velvety textured voice and continued stroking her hair.
"Please don't hate me.....I didn't mean to give you a fright" he added and started to get worried for her, she didn't reply nor did she move a muscle.

His velvety voice instantly calmed her erratically beating heart. Each word he muttered seemed to be pulling her back to her senses, she was being pulled into the reality of her embark situation.

Sayaa felt his warmth and her body accepted it without hesitation. She instantly felt guilty about accepting him as if he was meant to be hers.
Her ears wanted to hear more of his sweet mesmerising voice but her brain fought back.
Every nerve in her brain screamed at her to stop at once and get back to her senses but her heart wanted her to be swayed and never wake up to the reality.
She felt herself melting away in the haze of his scent.

He  grew concerned for her and drew both his arms around, wrapping her. He felt that he could stay this way forever with Sayaa in his arm and not be bothered with useless reality. He wished for the time to freeze and never pass, he felt overwhelmed at the way she  accepted him. He felt happy and content and knew that there definitely was hope for them to have a relationship.

His body emanated warmth that comforted Sayaa's troubled feelings but her thoughts could rest, she kept battling with her inner self to wake up to her senses.
No matter how awesome and comforted she felt she knew very well that it was wrong to get satisfaction from it.
He sniffed her hair as he lowered his head, his lips closer to her ear.

"I'm so sorry.........I scared you.....I should've announced my presence.....
But you looked so delectable.......I couldn't help should know....I'm normally not like this!!" He whispered embarrassingly in his velvety tone.

Saayaa savoured herself with his presence and wished that he was her Caleb, but she knew too well that he isn't. It was time for her to let go of her childish fantasies and face the person who intruded her peace.Sayaa recovered from her wavering thoughts and loosened her arms that were entangled against his back. She was jerked back to the reality of her life where she never got the one person she always desired, her first love Caleb.

She raised her head to see the face of the person, who held her so firmly.
She looked up and saw a familiar face. She knew now why his scent smelled so familiar. His body felt awkwardly comforting to her.
She knew this face, the fair skin, the honeyed eyes the cute nose.
The tousled hair that covered his beautiful features.

Sayaa hand involuntarily reached to push away the tousled strands that was shading his handsome face. Her fingers pushed away the mess, she now marvelled at his beauty.
Sayaa realised something changed in his facial features, but didn't know what exactly it was.

While Sayaa's fingers we're arranging his hair, he pecked on her forehead.

His kiss on Sayaa's forehead took her by surprise. She widened her eyes and wanted to strike his face. She instantly gave up, she didn't want to leave ugly imprints on his flawless skin.
She struggled to let loose from his grip. His grip was tightening further.

She tried pushing him away but failed instead she was nailed against the wall by him.
He stood close but not close enough. His arms formed a cage with his palms on the wall, Sayaa was trapped in the cage.
He held Sayaa's gaze for a while. He didn't allow Sayaa to escape his gaze or his cage.

Sayaa felt like a trapped helpless bird. Fear running through her made it impossible for her to assess the situation.
She felt weak and fragile against him. she tried to make an escape plan mentally. Although he looked skinny to her, he had very strong grip.

Sayaa looked left and right at his arms that held her as a prisoner and knew there was no escape out of it.

"Relax......would you........" His sultry voice commanded.

"Let go of me........" Sayaa said in a panicked tone and kept struggling to break free of his prison.

"First of all......calm down and I promise to let go" he said with a firm tone.

Sayaa straightened her whimpering body and took a few seconds to compose her self.

He watched amusingly as her expressions changed. He felt bewitched by the way her face clearly revealed her feelings. He was overwhelmed by curiosity and wanted to tease her further more just to watch her change of expressions.

He was surprised at his self, he was never the type to find amusement in teasing a girl. He thought, Now that he is stuck in this situation he might as well clear out all misunderstandings with her.

'Sayaa!! You really are a something!! To make me behave like this.........
What is it about you that draws me to you.............I will surely find out why I can't be my normal self around you.........what are you!!....why am I becoming like this??' He secretly said to himself and smiled cutely at Sayaa.

He fulfilled his promise and withdrew his arms.

He stood crossed armed while watching her every movement. With a smirk covered face he watched Sayaa stumble and grab her belongings. He felt awed at her clumsiness and continued watching her.

He was smart enough to realise that she was planning on an escape.
He wanted her undivided attention, he had so many things he wanted to share with her. He didn't want her to run away like the last time she did without engaging in a conversation.

While Sayaa clumsily grabbed her stuff and stumbled a dozen of times before she made her way out she was unaware of him. He walked away and closed the class door blocking her only exit.

Sayaa stared at him and wondered what his smirk meant. She felt she was too calm, while she was supposed to scream and panic and raise hell.
Sayaa saw his face and knew he didn't look evil in any way.
'What is he thinking'

'But why is he not letting me be......I want to hide my silly self.....I don't think I can face his for now.......I wanna run away from this handsomely devilish goof'

Sayaa held confused expression on her face and thought of only one thing....
'I can't deal with all are too bad for my heart........!!'

She grabbed her bag as tightly as she could and decided she was going to attack  him until he stopped with his nonsense. She was desperate to escape his tempting existence. She felt the longer she stood the deeper she'll get in trouble.

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