6. I pledge to Delta

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Luke paced around his dorm, reciting the periodic table to himself. He had a big test about that coming up and he was aiming for an A. Luke would define himself as an overachiever. He didn't like getting a grade lower than an B even though it happens from time to time. He was beginning to draw out the table until he received a Skype call from his girlfriend, Cindy.

They've been going out from quite some time now, two years to be exact. Even though they were polar opposites, they both had strong feelings for each other.

"My friend is acting like a complete dickhead. He hasn't been acting like a friend." He began rubbing his eyes , trying to play it off like he was tired. He actually wanted to cry.

"He's maturing to a man. Freshmen year of college is where you begin to find yourself like you are now."  Luke smiled at his beautiful girlfriend. She always know what to say. They exchanged compliments until she admitted to almost falling asleep. He then hanged up to let her sleep.

After their conversation, he laid on his bed looking at the ceiling, hoping he wouldn't lose his best friend.


"Hello pledges! My name is Ashton and I'm the President of Delta Sigma Phi. It's nice to meet everyone and let's have a good pledge picking." After that terrible introduction and the phrase "pledge picking" , the pledges were worried besides Michael. Calum told him if he keep up his game and have fall into his arms, he would be a Delta for sure.

"Hi , I'm Austin." Michael's thoughts were interrupted from a muscular guy with blonde hair talking to him.

"Hi." Michael simply said, he really had no intention of making friends but this guy seems cool.

"Isn't he hot?" Michael face tilt to the side staring at Austin. Did he really just said that?

"He?" Austin nodded his head pointing towards the direction Calum was in. Michael chuckled. He couldn't have been talking about Calum. Maybe Ashton but not Calum. Calum was not gay. Was he?

"Yeah, Calum. Isn't he rugged?" Michael cringed at his choice of word. Calum couldn't be gay. That's impossible.

"Oh shit. Maybe I shouldn't be saying that your crush is hot." Michael turned around so he was looking at Austin fully. He crossed his arms with an angry face. Did he just say crush?

"Okay , Austin. Let's get something straight. Ah ha no pun intended. Calum is not gay and I definitely don't have a crush on him. You're just crazy thinking stuff like that. So fuck off."
Austin smirked and walked away. Michael felt proud saying that. Austin was delusional.  Michael's thoughts were once again interrupted but with Calum slapping his butt extremely hard. Michael moaned a ow while rubbing his butt.

"All I heard was fuck off. What happened?" Calum chuckled while drinking beer. What's the frats deal with beer.

"Some douche said you were gay. Can you believe that? You're definitely not gay." Michael was giggling until he realized that Calum wasn't denying it.

"I haven't been completely honest with you," Michael smiled died down, kind of knowing what Calum was going to say.

"I'm bisexual...." Michael wasn't exactly angry with Calum being bi, he was angry because he didn't tell him. He could've told him that he took interest with guys.

"It's fine I guess. Thanks for telling me." Michael walked away to get a drink. Maybe a couple. He needed to be fucked up tonight. He saw Austin smirking and decided not to go to that direction. He didn't want to hear "I told you so". That's the worst thing you can tell a stubborn person.

"Someone is in a bitchy mood." Cyn says as she sips the red cup that is filled with vodka. She watches two girls grind on each other, contemplating if she should go there and join.

"Not in a bitchy mood. Just highly irritated. Did you know Calum liked guys too?" Cyn bust out laughing to the point where she was forming tears. Michael just stared , wondering why she thought that was so hilarious.

"Bisexual is written on his dicksucking, ass eating , kitten licking lips." Michael cringed because he remembered sharing a bottle of vodka with him. Her choice of words were extreme. She could've just said plump lips.

"Thanks for sharing." Cyn nodded. Michael watched Calum talking to Vincent, smiling. Michael admitted that Calum's smile was nice, perfect actually. He looked at his lips, realizing that they were plump. Michael immediately shook those thoughts out of Calum. Why would he say that? Whatever the reason why he said that, he needed that to stop.

"Maybe you are too."

"Yeah, right. And you have a boyfriend." They both laugh at the joke. Michael decided to get another cup so he can try to have fun.


Ashton sat in his room while holding The Cane Of Respect on his right and a red cup filled with alcohol. The Cane Of Respect is probably an ordinary cane to some people but it was the cane that gave you respect as a the president of Delta Sigma Phi. He was looking through the pledges' information trying to figure out which five he would choose.

40 people were pledging and unfortunately they can only pick five. That means they really have to be careful of the five guys they choose. He was interrupted with Calum knocking on the door. He knew it was Calum because the way he knocked: three times fast and two times slow. Kind of weird in Ashton's perspective but hey that's Calum.

"Something happened?" Ashton asked.

"Should be asking you that. You should be downstairs , partying with your brothers!" Calum jumped on Ashton's bed , acting like a four year old . He plopped down when Ashton wasn't smiling.

"Just stressed out. There 40 guys pledging to be in Delta and we can only pick 5. What if we pick the wrong guy and he makes the frat a nightmare by breaking a code or showing their true colors? I'm not prepared for that." Ashton tilted his head down rubbing his hazel eyes still holding The Cane Of Respect.

"I'm sure we are going to do a good job. Don't worry bro. We got this." They fist bumped each other , making Ashton a little better.

"I think I might be gay." Calum admitted. Ashton looked at Calum with concern. He wanted to make sure this was Calum's choice.

"You sure bro. What chick fucked it up for other hot ones."

"Michael changed my mind." Ashton's face became shocked. He soon smiled , patting Calum's back.

"That's sweet. Just don't break the code."

"Code?" Calum questioned. He began scratching his head , waiting for an answer.

"You can't sleep with a frat bro. You know the pledge you made when you were a freshmen."

Even though it sucked, Calum was kinda happy because Michael is officially a Delta.

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