5. Consideration?

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Michael searched his dorm room , looking for his weed. He knew he put his weed in his small box that was labeled "important things.  It was kind of corny but he didn't want his roommate to touch it. Michael hated sharing a room with someone. Some people just don't respect others belongings. Michael quit looking for it and wanted to discuss with Daniel about touching stuff after he went to his classes.

This was the first day of classes and he was very nervous. He was in a new environment without his parents nagging him about packing his lunch and doing his homework. He was an adult meaning that he can do what he wants even though his mother still texts him , reminding him to do those things. Michael looked on his phone realizing he received a quick text from Calum.

Calum: Have a good day Red. Hit me back up about joining the frat. We will love for you to be here.

Michael replied a simple thanks putting his phone away in his bag. Fraternities weren't exactly his thing but it also seems fun. He had a great time at the party but he was a little bit iffy about joining. He headed out his room and proceeded going to his first class.


"I honestly don't understand while you are considering this mate, " Luke chewed on his pen while on the phone with Michael. He was studying like usual for an exam that evening.

"You don't even like Frats." Michael called Luke after he left. He doesn't want to admit it but he feels kind of safe and calm talking to Luke. He is his best friend and that's how it supposed to be.

"Frats are cool....?" Michael mentally hit himself on the face.

They continued talking about how Michael shouldn't go and Michael talking about he should if he wanted to. But of course he didn't. He noticed Vincent sitting down by himself staring at the trees. Kind of a weird pose.

"Hey man I call you back." Michael hung up the phone and walked over towards to Vincent.

"Michael, I'm graduating soon." Michael gave a confused look. He took off his hat to scratch his head waiting to see why Vincent was so sad about it.

"That means I'm going to be an adult. I don't wanna be an adult!" Vincent crossed his arms looking like a four year old. Michael sat down with him and patted his back, awkwardly. He wasn't so good at comforting people.

"It's okay buddy. I'm sure being an adult is fine and cool."

"That's what you can say. Freshman." Vincent grabbed his belongings and stormed away from Michael. He almost knocked Calum down. Luckily he didn't knock him down but some of Calum's papers did.

Michael decided to help Calum since a lot of the papers flew in opposite directions. It's the least he can do.

"It would've been easier if the papers flew in one direction." Michael chuckled while Calum didn't necessarily get the joke. Michael's laugh died down and he continued helping.

"I didn't know Vincent was such a dick."

"Not necessarily. He's just kind of upset about being an adult."

"Why? Did he get someone prego?" Calum just stared at him. Michael stared at him with embarrassment. This is why Michael doesn't talk that much.

"Come with me." Calum nodded his head over to the direction he wanted Michael to go with him. Michael shrugged and followed Calum to he assumed talk.


"Oh my god! What the fuck?!?" Vincent yelled when he saw Ashton naked. Ashton turned around to greet Vincent and went back to watching tv.

"Why are you naked? And should you be in class?" Vincent walked in the kitchen trying to get that disturbing image out of his head. He just wanted to relax before going to class but he can't since Ashton kind of ruined it with his nakedness.

"I just got out of the shower and I didn't feel like getting dressed," he swigged some of his beer despite the fact it is 10 in the morning. "Plus I have afternoon classes so I decided to relax."

Vincent frowned and went to text Cyn that they needed to talk. Ashton wrapped a towel around his waist to cover his dick from Vincent since it scared him.

"Looks like someone slept on the wrong side of the bed. Is it about after this?" Vincent stared at the floor , tears forming in his eyes. Ashton walked over to Vincent to pat his back.

"I don't wanna leave Ashton. This is my home. This is where I found myself at." By now , Vincent was already crying and Ashton gave him a brotherly hug while rubbing his back.

"Hey. Let's not think about that right now. You're not leaving until June meaning we can still have a lot of more fun. You will always be my brother." Vincent smiled and hugged Ashton back. He was right. They have a lot more time before he leaves so he should cherish them. They will be bros for life.

"Hey man who keeps using my lub -" Wesley stopped himself when he saw the two hugging. He smiled and walked back out not wanting to ruin the moment.

"I bet it was Calum using my shit."


"So he's leaving for good?" Calum deciding to walk Michael to his first class since Michael had trouble finding it. They were talking about Vincent leaving from California to go back home to work for his father. His father was a big company man that made millions of dollars. Vincent promised his father he would but now he's regretting it.

"Yeah.. I don't want him to go though. He's one of my best friends. I'm gonna sure miss him." Michael nodded in agreement. Even though earlier he was kind of a dick to him, he was still a caring person.

"So about the fraternity." Calum's eyes widened and was hoping Michael would say yes.

"You're considering?"

"Let's say hypothetically I would join. What's the hype of being in a frat?" Calum smirked and fiddled with his eyebrows. Michael stared at him waiting for an answer.

"Thank you for considering Mikey. We'll see you at the meeting tomorrow night." Before Michael can say anything , they were already at the building of Michael's first class, Economics. His mother wanted him to take it since he was terrible with money. She thought it would help.

"Have a nice first day!" Calum exclaimed. Michael said the same and looked at the building before going in. He's officially a college student.


"Is it too early to drop out?" Michael only had three classes today and he was tired. He forgot that college would consist of classes , homework, and reports.

"It's not that bad. Just actually start studying!" Luke skyped Michael while they both did homework. In Karen's opinion, they were best friend goals.

"Yeah whatever." They continued doing work until he heard Daniel calling his name. He told Luke that he will be right back.

"The fuck you want?" Daniel scoffed at Michael and shoved a box toward Michael's chest. He mouthed an ow because Daniel was very strong for a little guy. Michael went back to his room to see Luke was still studying.

"I got a present."

"The fuck is it?" Michael opened the box to see a shirt that says "Delta Sigma Phi" on the front and on the back "Clifford". It was also a note from Calum.

"You're not technically in but 99% you will be eventually. Ashton likes you and if you keep your game up, well you can call yourself a Delta."

"Well , what the fuck is it?" Luke asked.

"A future"

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