2-10: Make Love, Not Warcraft

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(Information! So, as a recent update in my life, I happen to have a slight... Mental condition... It's nothing new, but now it's actually... Got a name... Just to let you know, and it's no big deal, hasn't stopped me yet!)

Vera POV: (I keep wanting to put Garret!)

The interior of Lyra's home was chilly, its quite a cold winter day. It's almost chaotic lately, the sudden change in weather. I had finally gotten an opportunity to speak with our guest, and took it. She's really shy, but she opens up the moment you ask a question.

"So you're a pegasus?"
"Apparently..." She flapped her wings. Something just seems a little off about this pony, but I'm not sure what.
"Hmm... So, where'd you come from to end up in our small town?"
"Well... Wanna hear the full story?"
"I guess, if you don't mind."
"Okay, from the moment I left home, which was actually about a week ago, I've been walking. Just trying to find somewhere that I can be... Accepted. I-"
"Hold up a second, you said accepted?"
"Let me get to that, it comes later. From the time I left, acceptance had been my goal. Nowhere in Canterlot could I find acceptance for who I am. So I left Canterlot, and started a trek down a road, leading to anywhere. I ended up falling right into your lap, basically. And-"
"Hold on, another question. So, you just happened to end up here?"
"How old are you?"
"Well, technically I'm a bit older than you'd think... I'm actually... Around twenty-three. I was sixteen, but got... Pony-fied before I came here."
"Ah... So you were a person?"
"Before I left my first home."
"Okay, then continue." I said.
"And I ended up here, last night. I had been walking for most of a week, no food, no water. All I had to drink was rainwater. Which actually did the trick, since I have... Uh..."
"You can tell me."
"It's easier to show you." She stood up, and led me outside, to a small puddle just in front of Lyra's home. She began to focus her eyes very cartoon-like upon the water, and it slowly rose and slid into a sphere. The ball of water was completely tranquil, no movement inside the perfect sphere at all.
"So, you have a horn somewhere? Maybe invisible?" I said.
"Nope, just always had a way with nature. Hence the cutie mark." I looked at it, and it completely fit what she does. It was a sapling, with a magical aura around it. Unique cutie mark, but mine still has the 'Strangest Cutie Mark' award.
"Wanna see my power?" I said.
"Eh... The thing I can do... As a person it's apparently different than as a pony."
"S-Sure, let me see." She mumbled.
I looked at the sun, and focused. My veins began glowing, and light surrounded me. Of course it's not the first time though.
"Wow, that's very... Different."
"Yeah," I let the light dim back to normality, "It is. But really as a pony I had a much different power too."
"What was it then? Or... However the proper term sounds."
"I had a sort of levitation of inanimate objects thing. But I like this one more. If I become a pony, I get a different power. Both of which are useful in their own rights."
"Actually, it would kill me... Literally... But I could move the sun."
"It's happened once, I raised the sun."
"You're lying to me."
"Lyra's an eyewitness, and so is Celestia herself. I stopped the eternal night. Me. I raised the sun, but burned to death in the process."
"Mm-Hm... I do remember hearing about that."
"And that was me." We meandered back into the house, slowly but surely going back to the warmth.
"I believe you. But you keep talking about being a pony?"
"When I died, I came back as a pony. A black pegasus to be exact. Oh! And all this time I was a male. Then Lyra switched me back to a human with an incantation, but I became a woman. Then soon she married me. And now here we are."
"So... Creepy enough, but how long you been in Equestria?"
"Not even half a year, I think... I don't really remember."
"Yeah, I've been here about... Four years, I think."
"I was told I can never leave."
"Well, I don't want to leave, really."
"I do... I miss my mom, actually, I really miss my mom... It's been so long since I've seen her." I teared up.
"I...Uh, I... Feel sorry for you?"
"No, it's okay. I'll be fine. But its just so different and... I just want to go home." I almost began crying, it was imminent.
"But Equestria... Is safer."
"But... It's also not home, and its also not... Its just... Not where I should be. If I had the choice, I'd tell myself not to come here, I'd have stayed home where life is simple."
"Life isn't simple here?"
"A fifteen-year-old... Who's married. I'm married at fifteen. And I've also been died. And changed gender. And species. Twice. Now think... See how that might mess me up?"
"I freaking died! Deader than shit! Dead. Dead. I wish I could have stayed that way. Sorta... Cause I don't want to be dead, but I just want... To have it all be simple again."
"I understand, really I do... Yeah, but now I have to say this: If you did tell yourself not to come, you would have never actually been there to tell yourself not to, which would mean you went anyways."
"Hmm... So basically if I had the chance, it would still have completely stopped everything I did, and still made me come here?"
"Pretty much."
"Where did you learn the paradox theories?"
"I never did, it just hit me."
"Ah... Uhhhh... Hmm... I... Have no clue what to say now."
"Well now I can say this too: As a person, is life here simpler?"
"Nope, it really isn't. If I had the choice I'd be a pony again in a heartbeat."
"Well if I find anything, I'm gonna tell you, okay?" She smiled.
"I... Okay, if you don't mind. Because being a human isn't really my preference anymore."
"But why not?" Lyra said. When did she get up?
"Because its just... It doesn't feel right, and neither does my entire existence here. But I'm here, and human, so no big deal. Well, human isn't exactly what I am." I flapped my wings, which I haven't been using much. They just don't seem appealing, and they stand out very badly. They're still jet-black, but I'm a ghostly shade of pale. It just doesn't look right to me.
"Well, it's as human as you'll ever be. Sorry to say I can't remove those."
"I don't want them removed, I just want everything moved back to ponyhood. Pony. Pony, like the things that live here? You should be one too!"
"But... I want to be a person."
"And pony-ness... If we were ponies, it would bring us back to 'Normality' and such. But simply... I'd like to be a pony, but if I'm a pony and you're a human... That might be problematic."
"I-I don't seem to think so." Terra nervously mumbled.
"Wait, why wouldn't it be?" I asked.
"Because... Uh... As a pony/human relationship," She really said slash, which is strange, "We would actually be just as unique as we are now." Lyra said calmly.
"But the difference in anatomy would create so many problems in so many different situations."
"Uh..." I tried to conjure up a good example. "Lets say we're laying next to each-other. Now think of all the problems that you'd face with me pressed against your back, as a pony."
"None, since you were pressed against my back as a human when I was a pony."
"True... What about..." I made a few hand-gestures. You know the gestures made. We all know what I just did, and I'm not too proud of it.
"Well, would anything change, really?" Terra said, bluntly. Of all the times to not be shy about something, it had to be this one time.
"No, I don't think it would. The only thing would be... Eh..." Lyra said.
"Just... Lets drop this one." I nervously said.
"Please?" Terra said.
"Fine. Uh... The only complication I can see would be when we want to... Like... Sit next to each-other. You'd sit a lot lower than me. Or when we kissed, the shape of your face would be different than mine." Lyra said, a tone of nervousness in her voice.
"Actually, for me when I was a person, it didn't change much really. A kiss is a kiss, regardless."
"Okay, then I can't see any difference. Nope, it's official, all I gotta do is cast it."
"You already have a spell?" Terra said.
"Yep, it's in the book I have."
"Well, it can wait a little bit." I said.
"No, it should be done soon, before we forget. You forget a lot of things." Lyra said.
"Everything... Literally."
"That wasn't my fault. It really wasn't."
"Uh, if you say so. Casting it now."
"Please don't?" I said.
"I call upon the forces of Celestia to morph the form of the human before me into one of the Pegasus form. Please give unto me the powers un-befallen to any normal unicorn. Give me the strength to switch her into what she needs to be. Transgress!"
My world slowly slid into a blackened state of darkness and pain. I couldn't see, and I couldn't hear. All I could do is shout, but I'm not sure if I was even making any noise. I could feel my arms and legs morphing into the hooves of a pony. My skull was forming back into that of a pony, along with my ribcage and spine. It was painful, and I could feel every sinew and muscle form over the bone-structure. I could feel the nerves growing into place over the muscle, then the skin, then the fur. Soon, my body was completely intact, and I could open my eyes.

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