Chapter 25: Down, not Out

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Next day:

It wasn't good, my injury. My head was constantly pounding. But Lyra was kind, and she tried her best to nurse me back to health. She had hand... Hoof! Hoof-wrapped my head with a bandage, and cleaned it up. But soon I was going to have to get a haircut, because my slightly shaggy hair was starting to get into the wound. Lyra said I would need a haircut, and I believe her.


Garret POV:

I had taken to walking. After laying in bed for days, I need exercise. With access to my music, I could shut the world out completely. I had my mp3, which was loaded with music. Now I could walk around and just... Relax.
But with the incessant pains between my head and the burning in my chest, it was hard to focus on the music. But there was no way to get any pain medicine, unless... Zecora might have some? Its worth a shot, in my opinion.
I put the earbuds in my ears and began walking.
'I was born...' I switched the song.
I heard a small drum intro, 'Little supernovas in my head, little soft pulses in my dead. Little souvenirs and secrets shared. Little off guard and unprepared. I was never good enough to find, I was never bad enough to mind. In the middle I will do my best. Take me in your arms and leave the rest.
I will give you anything to say you wanna stay you want me too. Say you'll never die you'll always haunt m-' I tripped and fell. I didn't mean to, but I had fallen over somepony. A filly, Scootaloo. I quickly shut my music off, and pulled out the earbuds.
"You okay?" I asked.
"That... Was awesome! You should have seen your face, you were all." She scrunched her face up.
"Uh, right now my face kinda hurts... I gotta go, I need to see Ze- oh forget it. What're you up to?"
"Trying to get my cutie mark..."
"In what exactly? Attempted murder?" I joked.
"No, I wanted to see if it was in practical jokes." She chuckled.
"Well, as you can see, you could have killed me!" I pointed to the bandage.
"But- I think Dash said something about that." She looked like she might cry.
"Scootaloo, don't cry. It's gonna be okay, no big deal."
She instantly perked up, and began bobbing away. I began walking, in silence. Maybe next time I should pay attention to where I'm walking instead of on my music.
Great, now what to do? All I have is a pained head, and time. Where's Lyra when you need her?


Twilight POV:

After extensive research, I found what Garret's problem is. It isn't love and it isn't because of me. It's because of his age. That has to be it, it just has to be. I couldn't have done it, could I have?
"Of course it wasn't me." I nervously said aloud.
"Yes it was, I'm not joking with you, I'm not being sarcastic. He didn't do it, and Lyra didn't do it, she just welcomed him. It was you, and now you gotta live with it." Said Sunset.
"I don't need this. Leave."
"You're going to tell a figment of your imagination, somepony you created out of loneliness to leave? That's a new low."
"Get out of here!" I shrieked.
"Twilight, you're hurting my feelings. Don't kick me out, please."
I was boiling with rage, "If you don't leave, I swear you won't be able to talk when I'm done!"
"That's what it is. You're done. You worked so hard, as to win Garret, and he left you over a fluke that you said in anger at somepony else. Calm down, get a grip, and go talk him."
"I guess I should..."


(Here's the "bonus" Chapter thing, it's two parts... It was going to happen, but be unwritten.)

Fluttershy POV:

At first when Garret left, I was sad. I even cried myself to sleep. But once I saw how happy he was with Twilight, I got over it quickly. She deserved him, she was really right. They perfectly completed each oth-
What am I saying? Am I really saying that he and her were the perfect couple? That's crazy! Nopony is perfect for another, but he isn't a pony.
But Lyra and him are happy too. And Lyra would give him the world. But... Is it love? Does it even need to be, if they're happy? Did we have to love each other?
Garret and I were happy, but he's too outgoing for me. I'm shy and he's the center of attention. That's for the best, because I don't want Garret at all, I don't even want a stallion... I wan-
My front door came open. "Fluttershy. Can I talk to you?" It was Garret.
I squealed, and hid behind my couch.
"Fluttershy, didn't mean to scare you. I need to talk really quick then I gotta go."
"O-okay. So, what do you need, if you don't mind me asking?"
"My uh... Wound, is there anything you can give me to stop the pain?"
"Actually, yeah." She nodded. "I can get you some herbal tea, it should clear up all the nasty feelings."
"Even the burning?"
"It's burning?"
"Not the cut... Uh... Never-mind, can you get me that tea please?"
"O-Oh, sure."


Lyra POV:

I had been nursing Garret back to health. It's no big deal, it gives me something to do. He left earlier, said he wanted to exercise his legs. So I let him take a walk, I need to just relax. I haven't been able to sleep in four days because I've been worrying about him. Garret means the world to me. Garret is the world to me.
Where did he go though? I think I should go look for him. It's time for him to be getting home, it's getting really late. I'm not tired, but I'm going to lay here, and try to sleep.


Garret POV:

I slowly snuck into Lyra's home, my footsteps quiet. I didn't want to wake her. As soon as I lay in the bed, I realized she was still awake.
"Lyra, how you feeling?"
"Well, I'm feeling fine. But my chest hurts, really bad."
"That's not good, why's it hurting?"
"Well, actually it's not hurting, so much as... Burning."
"I... Know how it feels."
"Yeah, and what cured it for you?"
"You... You cure it."
She rolled on top of me, and leaned in.


Some time ago. One day after Garret's arrival.

3rd POV:

"No! I shall not do it. I won't!" Luna shouted.
"Do it! It must be done! Remember how you used to be?"
"I... Cannot... It... I'm a different pony now!"
"But you must! Remember what's at stake here? Your life!"
"But I cannot help the changelings! I can't! It just... Isn't who I am anymore."
"But you must! Or we shall..." They trailed off.
Luna nodded, and began her descent into becoming evil.


And that, is exactly what a chapter should end like. That explains a lot, correct? Good, it needs to.

Love to all of you.

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