Uh, sorry about that last chapter, we had an error!

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(A//N: That last chapter had a MAJOR error... I had written like six pages of story, but I mustn't have saved it. Sorry for this, let me clear the tension by adding it here, now. Complete re-write of the part of the chapter. Sorry about this :P)

Lyra POV:

I know what he means by that. He wants me to come along, not Twilight. I guess if it means that much to him, I have to come along. Garret needs me to come along. It means I'll get to spend more time with him. Good.
"Just let me grab a few things." I said as I closed the door. I bolted off and grabbed my essentials. A toothbrush, my money, a blanket, and my saddlebags. I swung the door open again, and with a smile said, "Alright, we can go now!"
"Then lets get going..." Twilight said.


Garret POV:

We were on a first-class train. Yes, Lyra paid for us to have a room, completely to ourselves. Me and Twilight shared one of the two beds, and Lyra had the other to herself. Which was good, she was only half a room away. I was lying in the bed next to Twilight, but she seemed upset.
"Garret... I don't like Lyra. Especially lately." She barely whispered, only loud enough for me to hear.
"I do, I like her. Especially lately." I whispered, equally as quiet.
"Why? She foalnapped you once already. She might try it again."
"But I trust her not to."
"But why would you tr-" She shivered. "Garret, it's really cold in here..." She whispered.
I thought a moment, and had an epiphany. "Roll over."
"O-okay?" She did as instructed. Her back facing me, I pulled her as close to me as possible, then began to dimly glow. Heat was no longer a problem.
"As you were saying?" I whispered into her ear, which I had my mouth barely touching.
"I don't think Lyra should have come along, that's all."
"But why not?" I asked.
"Because she's already foalnapped you once. She might try it again."
"But she won't."
I heard a whimper from across the room. "Lyra, are you okay?"
"No, I'm... I'm going blind over here..."
"Well I can't help about the light, sorry..."
"No, it's not that... It's... Nevermind..." It hit me, a sucker-punch to my heart.
She wanted my affection, and instead, she was seeing it given to Twilight. Great. One more tally on the karma-scale.
"I really can't help you, sorry."
"Garret, I really think she should have stayed home..." Twilight whispered.
"But if she had, then... We would have had to walk." I said.
"I don't care, I could have handled it."
"Well she's already here."
She yawned, "And I still dislike the option."
"Well I can't help it... She had to come along..."
She began snoring, Twilight had fallen asleep. I heard another whimper from across the room.
"Lyra... Lyra!" I whisper-shouted.
"You can come lay with me. If Twilight asks, I was asleep."
She squealed and shot across the room. She lay directly pressed against my back. I was squished between Lyra and Twilight.
I couldn't sleep, so I lay, awake and fully alert.


Lyra POV:

I was laying in a bed, consciously, next to Garret. The only thing that could make this better would be having his arms wrapped around me, but Twilight has that luxury. I guess I'll have to be happy with this.
"I'm cold..." Hopefully this plea might work.
"Hold on a second." He shifted a little. Then I was in absolute bliss. He wrapped his arms around me. Me! Not Twilight, but me!
I swear I might be drooling. I can't help it, I just... Couldn't do anything else. Its all I was capable of doing.
I slept happily. No, I slept in heaven!


The next morning.

Twilight POV:

The train stopped with a jolt, which woke me up. I rolled in bed, wanting to wake Garret. But the next sight scarred me. (A//N: yes, scarred, not scared.)
Lyra. Next to Garret. My blood began to boil and my mind raced.
"Lyra! Get up, and get away!" I shouted.
She rolled out of the bed, and faced me. Groggy as she was, I was alert.
"Twilight... I, uh... Can't begin to..." She mumbled.
"Lyra, I swear if you don't leave, you might be breathing your final breath!"
She shook her head, prepared for a debate. "Twilight, you know... That he loves me more." She still mumbled, but she was slightly more conscious than a moment ago.
"No, he doesn't even love you! Not at all!"
"How do you know? You can't have any proof!" She shouted.
"While that's true, I trust him!" I shouted back.
"Well, that doesn't prove that he doesn't love me!"
"But he doesn't love you! He loves me!"
"But I love him!"
"But so do I!"
"But you hurt your best friend to get him!"
"Yes I did! I told Fluttershy that he and I should be together, and she agreed! So that proves my love!"


Garret POV:

I heard the entire debate. Hate was being flooded between the two and was flowing easily, whispering its evil toward both of the ponies.
"Fluttershy was a pawn in my game! Garret was more important to me than she could ever be!" Twilight shouted.
"That's disgusting! That you could even think like that!"
"I agree, that really upsets me too." I whispered.
Both ponies looked at me in awe. "H-How much of that did you hear?" Twilight said.
"All of it. And I don't care, can we just leave?"
"Y-Yeah, we can leave."
"Good, because we have a mission, and I'm not wasting any time dealing with your bickering." I stood up out of the bed, and walked out of the room, silently.


Castle interior:

Garret POV:

"So you see we have problems, Celestia." I said.
"Yes, we do. My magic isn't working, and the elements are missing. We have a problem indeed. But for now all we can do is hope that Luna will see the error of her ways. Because I cannot stress how important it is to keep calm, even in these tense situations."
"I understand... Keep calm."
"Yes, just go back to normal life. We cannot do anything, and currently Luna hasn't hurt anypony. So currently we aren't even at risk."
"Okay... Twilight, lets go."
"Wait! Before you go, I picked up a few things you were asking for." She pulled out a bookbag, and magically handed it to me.
"Thanks, I was needing this."
"I packed everything you asked for, and a few extra items."
I nodded, and we left. There isn't anything left to say. Not even Twilight deserves my words. Lyra! Lyra... I think it's time...


And THAT was the chapter... Oopsie-daisy... There was a saving error, sorry. But think of this as chapter 22 pt. 2.
Earthstar pointed out the flaw, and I fixed it. Thank you, so very very much. You are the best... Ever...
Friendship IS Magic, but only when you have good friends.
Say! Would you like to ask me any questions? How about a tracklist? Ask anything, I need the company :3

Rate/Comment/Share/Follow/Read/Captivate... I'm bored now...

This is LT, slightly off-balance, but okay, signing off. Love to you all!

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