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This is not a story about any one person. I think you will enjoy this. Its a mlp fanfic though, so just hush-up until the end. Rated T for safety reasons.


So, here I am, as I am. I am a thin, tall, muscular boy. I am fifteen, and I am popular. Everyone at my school knows who I am, My name is Garret Anderson. I have a secret that no one knows, and no one will know. I am a brony. Yes, I said it. Nobody needs to know, and nobody will know. I shall keep my secret to myself.
It would end my social status. I would be ruined, my life ruined. Well maybe not ruined, but it would ruin my friendships. Ironic huh? A show about friendship ruining mine?
I looked at my computer screen, my Facebook page open. I had one unread message. It was from... Celestia? What the hell? I hadn't any friends by that name... Celestia... Princess Celestia?
That's probably just some asshole trying to make a page of that character. 'Garret, this is Celestia, we are conducting an experiment in humanity, how would you like to be the only human ever in Equestria?'
Blocked! You, asshole, shall not begin to press my patience. Another new message from Celestia... I blocked them already... 'You would be transported to Equestria, and be able to roam freely. You would be tested psychologically once a week. We are going to prod your psyche, nothing more'
Now... What the hell?
'If you accept the offer, click the link below, if not, then ignore this message.'
Ah, what the hell, let these guys have their fun! I clicked the link, and my mind went blank. I felt myself slipping into unconsciousness. My computer's monitor shut off, and the image was replaced with a picture of a sun.
My mind couldn't focus on anything but that sun. My mind began to slip. My mind shut off, and I fell asleep.

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