2-9: Earthly Beings

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Six weeks later.

"A new pony?" I said.
"A new pony." Rarity said. Her and Spike are official now. They're 'dating' now I guess.
"A new pony..." I said.
"Yes, simple. A new pony. I heard she was a pegasus. By the name of Terra 'Earthstar' Starlight." Strange name.
"Hmm... Cool name, that's quite inventive."
"Yes it is, actually."
"Great though, a new pony. Someone new to talk too, someone to actually get to know."
"Yes, it's quite the perfect one. You always talk about needing someone new to talk too, so here you go."
"Yep... Well, you got the clothes done?"
"Almost finished, just gotta sew on the extras."
"Alrighty... Tell me when they're done..." Quite some time passed before the words "Done, done and done again!' Were spoken.
"Finished now?"
"Yes, I'm quite finished, look!" She quickly swapped my clothes out before I could react, clothed to naked to clothed.
"Don't ever... Ever... Do that again."
"Why? It's not like anyone's peeking."
"Hmm, is that a challenge I hear?"
"What do you mean?"
"I know of a few who would be peeking."
"They aren't here, are they?" She smiled.
"No, truly enough they aren't."
"Exactly. Now please tell me what you think?" She pulled up the same mirror that she always pulls up, robotically.

I was wearing thick winter clothes and a Russian-style flap-hat thing. The kind that many people wear during winter, you know? Like the ones who... Uh... You know the kind of hat.

Well, the hat. And a poofy-winter jacket. And thick work-pants. All black of course, just my style. And the jacket happens to have a flip-able collar that goes right into my chin. So I'm perfectly cozy this winter. "Thank you Rarity, but I truly must be going."
She sighed, "Of course. I don't mind, I have business anyways."
"Sorry though, I really do gotta leave. I have to go talk to someone."
"Sure. I understand." She flatly said.
"You've been here multiple times, but never to talk to me, it's always because you need clothes. Maybe I would enjoy your company? Did you even think of that? Ever?"
"I... Always thought you'd enjoy the company of a more prim-and-proper person."
"But you must remember... I'm very different than I used to be..."
"And what now?"
"I don't mind... Dirt... Anymore. I don't mind... Mud... Anymore. I'm not the same pony at all."
I looked at her slightly-greasy mane and gasped, "My god... What happened?"
"Uh, I'd rather not get into the details, but it ain't nice..."
"Did you just say ain't?"
"Yeah, I already said I'm not the same pony at all. I mean... I'm just opened up... You're the first and last to know... I swear I'm not Rarity anymore... I'm ready to sleep under the stars! Live life a little!"
"I think maybe I need your help."
"I... Sorry... I can't exactly help you with that one..."
"Why's that?"
"Because Lyra's a full-time job."
"I understand that one... Spike says the same thing about me."
"I really gotta go now, for real I gotta go!" I said flatly.
"It's quite alright."

____________________ •_• Oh my god I'm really not sure but wow...

I began my walk home quietly. Nopony outside, midnight, ready for sleep. Everyone else was already asleep. It's not cold ton-
I tripped over someone!
"Oh my god I'm so sorry! So very sorry." I said to this mystery pony.
"Eh... It's okay." Her voice rang out. So its a woman... Mare...
"Hmm... Your name?"
"Uh... I-I'm... Terra?" It sounded like a question, the way she said it.
"You're Terra? Cool, I heard about you. Uh, I take it you're new to town?"
"Y-Yeah... Definitely new to town."
"Need a place to stay?"
"N-No... Well, kinda..."
"Of course you do, come on." I gestured for her to follow me. "I've got the perfect place."
"You're trusting me? You barely know me!"
"This is Equestria, remember?"
"Yeah... There's a lot worse than Equestria out there... That's for sure."
"Like where? Earth?" I joked.
"Yes, Earth is a terrible place."
"Wait what?!" I quietly said.
"Yeah, I remember Earth... Quite a place to be, honestly. Because I don't like it... It was just so evil and cruel..."
"Uh... What?" I mumbled.
"Oh! Never-mind, lost myself a bit there..." She giggled.
"Uh... I... Okay?"
"S-Sorry about that..." She mumbled.
"Yeah, no problem. Where you come from?"
"U-Uh... Canterlot..."
"Hmm... I came from Earth, but back then I was a dude."
"You were a dude?"
"Yep, male. But things happen... I was also a pegasus, male. And now I'm a woman for some-odd reason."
"Of course you mean to tell me..."
"That now I'm a woman?"
"Yeah, like a true woman?"
"Yep, and I discovered quickly... Because the menstrual cycle didn't skip me..."
"I-I actually... Have no response to that..."
"Well here's the place!" I pointed to Lyra's home. I pushed open the door, and yelled to Lyra, "We've got guests!"
"W-Who you shouting to?" Terra shyly asked.
"My wife."
"Lyra... Heartstrings? Biggest marriage in recorded history?"
"Nope, no idea what you're talking about."
"Who's the guest?" She gestured to Terra.
"New pegasus in town, and now that she's in the light I can tell." Brown hair, same for mane. But its green-tipped, which isn't normal. Green... Cool! Golden-ish green eyes. Her eyes are darting around the room... Strange, really.
"You okay?" I asked.
"Why... Why you asking?" She said.
"Because your bloodshot eyes are darting around."
"I'm very nervous, scared, and tired..."
"Nervous and scared... Why?"
"Uh, I'm in a stranger's house, for Celestia-knows-what, and I'm being studied like an animal."
"I'm gonna be nice and offer you a place to sleep." Lyra said.
"Um... I... Don't know..."
"Please, be my guest?" I asked.
"I... I... Guess so."
I smiled, "We have a sofa, and an old worn-down bed... Neither are bad, and neither are good... But it's better than the floor."
"Mmkay... I can sleep in the bed, if you don't mind."
"It's alright. We already offered, and we got a better bed anyways."


Starlight POV:

"And we got a better bed anyways." So apparently they got a good bed? Good, because I don't want to be a burden.
"Uh... Where do you sleep?"
"Our new bed, straight from the castles of Canterlot..."
"Okay... I guess I can sleep here, if you don't mind..."
"We really don't, if you don't."
"Well, I'm really nervous about sleeping in a strangers bed..."
"I promise nothing bad will happen, I pinkie promise."
I looked around the room nervously. I just... Nervous, paranoid even... I'm just so tired and... Tired...
"I gotta get to sleep..." Lyra said, and the other one nodded. "So do I... Hey Terra, your bed's like right in there..." He pointed down the basement stairs.
"O-Okay..." I mumbled as I made the trek down the stairs. The moment I spotted the bed, I dove into it and slept.


Short chapter, I understand... Sorry 'bout that one... But it gives an OC from a friend, and such... Like, literally took me about an hour to write this... And half an hour to edit. Which is a little bit shorter than normal... :3

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