Forgotten (Akabane Karma x reader )

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You were only five years old when your twin sister died. Even though you were twins, that didn't mean you looked a like. Actually, you looked nothing like your twin sister. She had pastel pink hair, while you had (h/c) hair. She had yellow eyes while you had (e/c). You guys were never mistaken for each other, just called cute and adorable. Until your twin sisters death.

  You remember as you two were running around a pond. You ran around as you guys giggled. Your twin sister then hugged you tightly. 'I love you (y/n)-chan!' Your twin said. You then giggled. 'I love you too Chisaki' you guys looked at each other and started laughing. Chisaki then looked over at the pond. 'Hey (y/n)-chan?'
'What is it Chi-chan?'
'Don't you think that flower is pretty?' She was pointing at a lilly in the pond. You then nodded your head in agreement. 'Since I love you so much, I will get it for you!' You giggled but then realized it was in the pond. 'W-wait! Chi-chan! Please don't get it for me!' You said but it was too late. Chisaki suddenly fell into the pond trying to get the lilly. She started to drown. 'Chisaki!' You screamed as you pulled her out. You then put your head to her chest.... it... it wasn't beating! At that age you didn't know what cpr was. All you could do was panic. 'Chisaki!' You said while shaking her. 'Chisaki! Please! Wake up!' You kept shaking for a minute. She still didn't wake up. 'Chisaki! Chisaki!' Your voice then started to go into a whisper. ' Chisaki.... please don't leave me!' You were crying a lot.

You woke up with a start. You had tears in your eyes. You wiped your tears away. "That dream again... it's been 10 years too." You sighed trying to get up while shaking. Even after 10 years you haven't told anyone about your past. Even though you were very nice to everybody, you just couldn't. The guilt of letting her die was just too much for you. Even though you were that smiley popular girl on the outside, your mind was broken.

You woke up and got dressed for school. You were a transfer student and was going to kunigaoka junior high school. You were kind of nervous. Sure, you knew about Koro-sensei but what if you don't fit in. You then shake your head and try to clear your mind. You went downstairs and cooked yourself breakfast as your dad was already at work.

Your breakfast was ready. You ate in silence. Once you were finished, you brushed your teeth, cleaned your face and headed to school. "Itekimasu" you said as you locked the door behind you. You then walked to class 3-E. You were right at the door now. There's no way you could turn back now.

You softly opened the door and walked in. "This is our transfer student. (L/n) Chisaki. Please be nice to her while assassinating!" Koro-sensei said. You then bowed. "Nice to meet you everyone! I hope we could get along!" You said smiling brightly making everyone blush. "Okay. Well (l/n)-san. Please sit beside Akabane Karma then. The one with red hair in the back." Koro-sensei said. You then walked to the back and sat beside Karma. You then smiled at him. "I hope we can get along!" You said making the other guys jealous. He then looked at you and smirked. "Sure."

It was now lunch time for your class. A whole bunch of girls ran towards you. "Oh my gosh! Your hella cute! I'm Nakamura"
"You're so pretty!"
"Where did you come from!"
"You hair looks so soft!"
"Are you dating anyone?"
"Your eyes are so pretty!" You just sat there sweat droping. "Hey." A voice cut in. "You guys are going to scare her." You twirled around to face Karma with a grin on his face. He thwn took your arm and took you out of the classroom as the girls cried in protest. "A-akabane-san? W-where are you taking me?" You said nervously. He then stopped and let go of your hand. "I have an interest in you. You can call me Karma too." He said looking at you.

You guys were quit far from the classroom. It was really quit. All you could were the rustling of the trees. You then spoke up. "Akaba- Karma-kun. Why did you take me here?" He then sighed. "I thought I told you that I was interested in you. Chisaki right? That name doesn't really suit your face. You look more like a (y/n) to me." He said looking at you tilting his head. This made you really happy.

  You remember as you went to the hospital to see your mother. Ever since your twin died she wasn't physically or mentally stable. You walked into her hospital room. She had turned quit skinny and frail. You beside her, your father behind you. Your mother looked at you tears starting to form. You then  crawled on her bed. She then cupped your cheeks. " Where have you been Chisaki? I missed you so much. Apologize for doing something so dangerous." She said while you looked at her with shock. You then teared up and hugged her. "I'm sorry!" You said while hugging her, but deep down you were really hurt. 'Am.... I no longer... (y/n)?' You thought to yourself. Unfortunately, that was only the beginning. Your mother was getting better but you were mentally breaking. You had started to go to school under the name of Chisaki. You were even beaten if you said you were (y/n), not Chisaki. It was breaking you. You were forgotten. You had lost your identity.

You snapped back to reality as you looked at Karma. You then smiled at him. "Nope. Chisaki is my real name! " You said. You hated lying. Especially to yourself, but this was for your own good.

It has been months now that you moved to the junior high school. You got along great with everyone. Especially Karma. You guys slowly started developing crushes on each other but never confessed.

"Hey Chisaki! I'll walk you home!" Karma said walking to you. You nodded at him. You guys kept walking until you arrived at your. You smiled warmly at Karma making him blush a bit. "Thanks Karma! "
"Your welcome" you then walked inside and started on your homework.

It was 9 at night when your dad wanted to talk to you. You went downstairs and sat on a couch. "(Y/n). This is very important to me. I was thinking about your future. So I decided to do arranged marriage. There's are fairly respectable young gentlemen I'd like you to meet. His name is Masamune Kazuhira. I imagine you'll be good to him. I think he adores you very much. I showed him a picture of you in a ceremonial Kimono." He said. You didn't know what to say. You were hurt, mad, sad. You even betrayed. Identity lost... now getting forced to love someone. It was to much for you. "You really don't think about others do you...." you said to your father while standing up and running to the door and exiting your house.

You ran for what seemed like hours. You just wanted to see Karma. You didn't care how late it was. You just had to- "Karma?" You asked yourself as you saw him in a park. Bursting into tears you ran to him. You then tackled with a hug from behind. "Ah! What in the- wait. Chisaki? H-hey. Why are you crying!" He said while you hugged tightly. The tears were uncontrollable. "My real name is (y/n)!" You said while sobbing. He looked at you really confusingly. "What?" You then told him about your past. How you had to attend school as Chisaki. About you dead twin. The arranged marriage. Everything. You crying really hard into his shirt as he soothingly rubbed your back. "I'm sorry I didn't realize your pain. I couldn't help you." He said sadly looking at you. "N-no. It's fine! I didn't tell so you wouldn't have known." You looked at him smiling sadly."No. It's not fine. I-" you then cut him off by cupping his cheeks and kissing him.

After a couple of minutes you pulled back. You smiled at him still cupping his cheeks and then put you forehead against his. He started to blush. "I love you Karma." You said still smiling. He then spoke up. "(Y/n)?"
"When we get older, let's get married."

                    12 years after

It's been 12 years. You two were indeed married and had a child. You  guys watched as your 4 year old tried to catch a cherry blossom petal that was falling. Karma and you laugh as he had his arms around your waist. "Hey (y/n)."
"What is it Karma?"
"I love you. I'm glad I met you." He said looking down at you smiling. You gripped your pastel pink shawl that covered your long knit magenta dress. "I love you too. I don't regret being with you. Ever." You said kissing him.

I'm sorry for the three week hiatus🙏. In apologies I will tell you a fact about me. I'm half Japanese and half Canadian. I could also speak fluent japanese. I'm your favorite asian now. Lolol. Even though I am half japanese, I do not look it at all. I have no japanese features what so ever. Whenever I go to Japan during Christmas break to see my family, I start speaking japanese and everybody gets surprised. And I just sit there like yup, I don't only speak English and French but also Japanese.... praise me. Lol. I also cringe when people say senpai depending on the circumstances. It only means upperclassmen. Nothing romantic there. It just gets king of annoying. But hey, what could I do about it. If people like saying senpai then say it. No big deal.  Anyway, requests are open👍

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