Hate or love (request) (Akabane Karma x reader)

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You were walking to school grudgingly. To think you have to see Karma again was like the underworld. You completely hated him. Oh how he was so cocky all of the time. Ugh! It ticked you off so much. Especially when he tried to talk to you.

" why do I have to sit with that idiot!" All of a sudden Karma came out of nowhere."(y/n)-chan! Good morning!" You felt extremely irritated."Shut up you stupid red head!" You hissed at him. As you sped past him. Poor Karma just sat there confused wandering what he did wrong.

    Time skip brought to you by tøp

     You were going outside for gym. You guys were running around. Let's just say you weren't that aware of what was around you. As you were running (more like sprinting) you just happened to not notice a little rock. You then tripped over it preparing for a painful fall but it never came. Instead Karma had caught you right on time."Are you okay (y/n)?" He asked.

   What was this feeling bubbling up inside your chest. Was it embarrassment? Wait. I couldn't be. You suddenly realize you are in love. You are in love with Akabane Karma the sadistic jerk.

      Instead of saying a proper thanks you shoved him away. "Don't touch me." You said coldly. Everybody then watched as you walked away.

         Time skip brought to you by tsun tsuns

     It was now time to leave. You packed your things and left the school. As you were walking there was a certain red head waiting for. You tried to walk past him but instead he grabbed your wrist."(y/n), I need to talk to you." He said. You were irritated so you just said."You better make it quick." He let go of you of your wrist."(y/n) I love you. Can you return the same feelings?"

   It took a minute for you to process what he just. Then you said the worst things you could've said."You're an idiot. You think I love you? You've got to be kidding me. Who could ever love a low life like you? You're a monster and a freak! You're going to play with my feelings after all right? You jerk! You should never have been born! " Your eyes widen at what you just said."Karma I-" Karma's bangs covered his eyes."I can't believe I loved you (y/n)." He said and turned on his heels.

   You ran to your house crying. You got to your house locked yourself in your room. You loved him. How can you say something like that! That's all you can think about the whole night.

      Time skip to the next day

You decided to apologize to karma. So you entered the empty classroom expecting only Karma  to be there."H-hey Karma. I'm sorry about yesterday-" you started to say. You stopped suddenly when you saw Karma kissing Okuda. You bursted in tears.
    Stories don't always end happy do they.

Requested by @amandykinns hope you liked it!

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