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When we walk back to my house it's already dark so we sneak in as quietly as we can. I change into my pajamas and go out into our living room seeing Eli fixing up a little place for him to sleep on the couch. I head over to him trying to be really quiet and give him a giant hug.

"I don't want to go to sleep yet." As I say this I take his hand and drag him outside, to our swing.

" As I say this I take his hand and drag him outside, to our swing

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"Come on let's watch the stars." 

"Sounds good to me." He says as he lays down then he pulls me next to him. We both stare up into the night sky the moon is so beautiful and my attention turns to Eli, he's not looking at the sky anymore he's looking at me. As soon as I turn the rest of my body so that it's facing him he says. "I got distracted by a prettier star than the ones in the sky."

"Awww, thank you." I start blushing so hard I decide to bury my face into his chest. I can hear his heart beat it's so calm.. soon it lulls me into sleep with the background noise of crickets and an owl hoo. We wake up probably about 3:30 am feeling freezing  cold water raining down onto our faces. We both hurry and run into my house laughing like idiots. Once we calmed down we went up to my room and passed out on my bed. 

The next morning  when I wake up I feel a warm figure next to me and I realize it's Eli. God. This whole thing seems like the best dream in the whole world. I roll over and check my phone and there's a text from Maddy. 

Maddy: Yo, where we gonna meet up with you guys?

Me: Idk maybe somewhere for lunch/brunch we're not even ready yet.

Maddy: Lazy butts! Get ready and meet me at the crepe place I feel like Nutella do you guys want coffee too?

Me: I do Eli doesn't like coffee get him some tea or something but I'll take a medium latte with a bunch of sugar, please. Luv ya! ❤️ 

Maddy: Alright meet you guys there. Can't wait to meet the one and only Eli.

I get out of bed and start getting ready taking a shower and doing my makeup. My outfit is pretty simple, a tee shirt and some jeans. I go back into my room to wake up Eli but he's already awake and sitting on my computer downloading a game or something. 

"Hey, go get ready we're meeting up with  Maddy and Andrew for brunch today."

"Alright, where are we going?"

"A really good crepe place, technically it's the only crepe place in our town but it's really good."

"Cool, I'll be ready in a few." He gets up from my computer and heads into the bathroom and I hear the shower running again. After ten minutes he gets out and his hair is wet and messy blue tee shirt and some jeans. We jump into my car and drive to the crepe place. When we get there  Maddy and Andrew are standing in the entrance holding cups of coffee.

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