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Finally the end of the day comes. I message him and ask him what his surprise is. He tells me to wait a little longer. I have no clue why I feel so excited about this, I don't even know what it I is yet. I start messaging my other friends and they make me laugh. They ask me silly questions like "did anything amazing happen to you today?". Then the bus gets to my stop and I awkwardly thank the driver and get off, making my way down the hill towards my house. Then I get a message from him.
"Look behind you. <3"
I see him and I go running up to him and give him a hug. I want this hug to last forever he smells so good, he's so tall, and his eyes are even more blue in person than through a computer screen. We stand there embracing each other for a while. Then we start walking towards my house.
"I don't want to go home yet. Then I'll have to share you with my family."
"Okay, I came to visit you not your family."
"Did you have anywhere you wanted to go?"
"I don't know. You're the local show me around."
"There's not much around here but there's a park. It's really pretty, especially this time of year."
"Okay let's go then."
As we make our way along the road we chat and talk. Then I feel his hand on mine, he is so natural at this. How is he so calm? I feel my cheeks getting warmer as his fingers intertwine with mine. They fit together so perfectly like puzzle pieces. Once we get to the park we find a bench and sit talking and giggling. It's just how I imagined. The leaves are the color of ripe pumpkins in the autumn waiting to get faces carved into them, like the majestic purple right as the sun sets over mountains. The only thing is I wish it was a little warmer weather. I start shaking trying my best to hide it, I fail so badly.
"You are shivering. Here take my jacket." He says this sliding off his jacket and covering my shoulders with the soft fabric.
"Awww thanks, it is kinda cold."
"Kinda? You were shaking, I'll help you stay warm." As he says with a laugh. Then he puts his arm around me it makes my heart race in a good way. I lean my head on his shoulder and he pulls me in tighter. We sit together for what seems like minutes but is actually a couple hours we sit talking and watching the sunset when finally I say.
"My grandma is probably worried about me, we better make our way back."
"Okay, do you think she'll be okay with me staying with you guys I know how strict she can be."
"Hopefully" I say with a hopeful smile. I've called him too many time crying about what she did to me, sometimes they were big deals others were smaller but still hurt me.
As we make our way home we hold hands and laugh waking up the whole neighborhood. This is one of the happiest I've been in my life.

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