Chapter 1

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To understand this chapter you have to read the Prologue first!

Demi's POV:

Ugh I start to hate Kelly Rowland for waking me up every morning. I turned off my alarm clock and told myself to keep sleeping. But my body was doing something else. It stood up and started picking up my clothes. Ugh! Body not nice, I'm tired and you're tired then too! I gave up, and got dressed, brushed my teeth, I got my bag and left our apartment, in the hallway I noticed that I forgot my calculator, ugh! I was debating with myself if I should get it or not. I sighed, I still had a lot of time to get to the bus, so I turned back around and ringed the door my mother opened it. 'What did you forget?' I walked to my room. 'My calculator.' I mumbled, still tired. 'Did you put something to drink in your bag?' I shook my head walking to the door. My mother quickly got me a bottle of water. I smiled. 'Thanks mother.' I kissed her cheek, and left quickly for the bus.

There I stood alone, I like being alone, alone with my thoughts, my dreams, my hopes. But I got interrupted by Taylor, a friend of Miley. 'Hey.' She said. 'Hi.' I replied polity. And there it started, our little chit chat. Finally the bus came and in the next station Miley got in the bus with us. We talked, had our fun, like what girls do.

I was walking down the hallways, when I thought about Zayn, will he be in school? Cause yesterday he wasn't. And yes I get worried soon. And I know when he won't be here today, something is wrong. I got upstairs, just when I wanted to put my bag down, my teacher came and we got in class, no Zayn yet. I sat down, looked one time to the door, seeing Zayn walking in, I quickly looked back to the teacher. I was relieved, he was here. He was okay. I smiled. The teacher started to talk, but I was already lost in my thoughts. Out of nowhere everyone stood up walking to the computers. What? What did I miss? I turned around to Emily, 'what are we doing?!' She stood up and replied. 'Searching in Google for some more information for the exam we're writing later, you know.' I nodded and she walked to the computer. Zayn was already at the computer. I smiled but stopped when I noticed he was sitting at MY computer. Hey! I thought and walked to him, when I saw Emily was sitting right next to him, I decided to say nothing and sit down next to Emily and just work with her. We worked when the both of us had a question and none of us could answer it. Even Google couldn't! I turned to Lucas and asked him but he had no idea too. I sighed turning to my right, ignoring Zayn and saying to David. 'David do you know if---' I stopped myself when I remembered that David had never any kind of an idea. 'Who am I even asking?!' I said turning back to Emily. 'Ohhh, this was hard David.' Zayn said. I turned to him. 'Maybe you'll know but oh wait you're just as good as David is so never mind.' He raised one eyebrow at me. 'If you say so Ms Lovato.' I looked at his paper and noticed something. 'OH NO ZAYN!' I said. 'What?!' He asked. 'You're not going to cheat right?!' He chuckled. 'Of course I am going to cheat gosh, Demi.' I sighed. I hated it when he cheats, he's cheating on us, on the teachers but mostly he's cheating on himself. I tried everything in my power to get him away from cheating, but he didn't change his mind, he was still on cheating. I sighed, instead of planning how he could cheat in the best way, he'd study for this stupid exam.

We had now English, I sat there, but all I'd hear was Zayn's voice, he was sitting behind me, talking to his ''buddies'' I turned for a sec to them and caught Zayn's look. We looked at each others eyes, and like always none of us couldn't help it but smile. 'Why do you always look at each other like this guys?!' Lucas interrupted us. 'I don't know what you mean.' I said looking at him. He smirked saying something to Zayn and it sounded like ''Cause she loves you.'' But the hell I wasn't sure. 'What did he say?' I asked Zayn, 'Nothing at all,' he answered. 'Come on tell me!!' I said. He shook his head. UGH! I turned back around and ignored both of them for the rest of the lesson. The bell rang and I walked out with Emily, I like this girl even more now, I know her more, we talk about so many things, I'm really happy that I have this girl. We talked and talked, when Lucas walked past us, I glared at him and he chuckled.

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