Harry got behind the wheel as everyone piled in and they drove.

"We gotta go back to Berlin."


By the time they reach the outskirts of Berlin, Ludwig's sobered up a bit. They clean his knuckles and wrap the badly injured right hand in gauze.

Ludwig asks where they're going but then forgets, asking them to pull over. He gets out of the car and vomits in the grass at the side of the road.

Aurora grimaces and goes over with a bottle of water. Ludwig spits into the grass and takes the water, gulping it down quickly.

"Thank you." He whispers, gazing at her through tired eyes.

They continue driving and finally arrive at the destination. Ludwig's heart sinks and he sits up, opening the door before the car comes to a full stop. He stumbled out and stands on the cracked interlock that leads up to rotten wooden stairs.

His home.

Tom comes up beside him, looking at the overgrown grass of the lawn and then looks at the house.

"Before you go in," He sighs and hands him a letter. "Read this. It's from Alec, the man who took care of your dogs."

Dear Ludwig,

I don't know if this will ever land in your hands but I write it because I want you to know that I tried my best to keep this house safe.

The dogs are why I stayed, I hoped you'd come back everyday but now I can only assume you are dead. In the case that you make it, this is for you. I took care of the three of your friends until the end. Greta passed shortly after you left with that Italian boy. She went in her sleep, old-age I guess.

The two others, Mateo and Henry, they were never the same after she left them. Still quite happy but more shy, quiet. Mateo had a growth on his leg, cancer, it spread but he went easy, chewing on a bone until he just closed his eyes. Henry stopped eating and drinking soon after, just laid down at my feet one evening and never got up.

They're all buried under the shade of that old oak tree in the back. I took good care of them, Ludwig. I promise you they lived like royalty through to the end.

But I can't stay here anymore. It's empty and cold and lonely. The dogs are gone, I have no more job. I'm going to Portugal until this is over, I have to go hide, maybe find a wife and have a family.

I can never thank you enough for taking me in. For everyhing, for a job, for food. Thank you for hiding me, changing my name to protect me.

I know we were on opposite sides of this whole thing but you showed me you are a good man.

Thank you.

- alec

Ludwig swallowed past the lump in his throat and looked at the yellow stamped star that had been left in the envelope. With watery eyes, he put the contents back and asked, "Is he still alive?"

"Yes, all thanks to you." Aurora responded, coming up behind him. "You've done wrong, Ludwig but you have a good a heart."

The German laughed bitterly, wiped his eyes and then walked into the house.


It'd been raided. After they took him, the officers came by and took whatever was of value. Everything. The house was bare and dusty, cobwebs on the banisters of the stairs.

It was abandoned. Windows were clouded over with dirt, some broken and shattered, cold air drifting in through them. The paint cracked on the walls and the dining room was overturned.

It was a ghost town.

Ludwig stood amidst it all, his guests keeping their distance. He swallowed hard, taking it all in, whatever was left. He looked through the window into the backyard, at the spot under the oak tree. He touched the glass and looked away after a few seconds, unable to think about his dogs any longer.

"I know there's not much left but if you'd like to take anything, you can." Jack offered with a shrug.

Ludwig went to his office. Desk drawers were open and all documents had been taken. The picture frames were shattered on the floor. He picked one up, a family photo of him, Gilbert, and their parents.

The German went to his safe, the only thing that seemingly hadn't been opened. He put in the combination and it clicked open quietly. He took his pistol from there, weighing it in his palm as he reached for some money he'd stored at the back.

He walked back over to his desk and noticed a letter sitting in the middle, amongst the dust and debris. It looked a little dusty itself but not as old as everything else.

From Gilbert. In Switzerland.

He grabbed it and ripped it open. It had an adress and a phone number, and a simple paragraph stating an apology for never writing to him and that Feliciano was alive and well, that he'd made it and he was getting by.

Ludwig rushed out of his office, gun by his side. He walked into the dining room where they all sat.

"Give me the tickets." He demanded.

"Woah, woah, woah." Jack stood and Ludwig raised the gun. "Hey, let's take a deep breath and put the weapon down."

"Give me the tickets. The train tickets." He growled. "NOW! I saw you looking over them last night."

"Ludwig, hey, we're going to take you to the train station." Harry offered, hands up in a surrender.

"I don't need your help." He spat, hand trembling. "I don't need anymore of your help. Tickets!" He shouted and Jack tossed the manila envelope over to him. "Leave. Get out of my house."

Tom and Harry looked at Aurora who nodded and they slowly backed out of the room, Ludwig's shaky pistol trained on them. Aurora stood and slowly approached Ludwig.

"Stop it! What the fuck are you doing?" Jack lunged for her but Ludwig pointed his gun at him.

Aurora moved closer, keeping her eyes on his watery ones. "It's okay." She whispered and leaned up, kissing his cheek. "Be safe, Ludwig. Take care of yourself."

The German closed his eyes, trembling all over as he leaned into the kiss. Something affectionate, something he hadn't felt in a long time.

She pulled away and gently carressed his cheek, taking Jack's hand as they walked out of the house.

"Thank you." Ludwig whispered, even though they were out of ear shot. "Thank you."

He sobbed softly and lowered the gun, covering his face with a hand.


To be continued...

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